Look. Be anti-abortion. But carry that thought to its logical conclusion. Come with me on a journey. Let’s Ben Shapiro this and “say, for the sake of argument” that you are a 31 yr old, dual income married woman that is unexpectedly pregnant (hello, this was me a yr ago)
Hey! This was a little earlier than you planned but cool! You *want* a Baby! Let’s do this. First you gotta get a doctor to give you a pregnancy test. Because you can’t pee on a stick and call it good. You have to go to a Gen Practicioner and get blood drawn. Hope you’re insured!
Why? Because that test can be over 1k without insurance (billing error meant I found this out on accident) Next, you need an OB. Hope you have insurance again. Because you need an ultrasound! And that also costs up to 1k. Oh and your job? About that...
Hope you have a job that not only insures you, but lets you take time to go to these appointments. Because most doctors run business hours. Hope you don’t get fired!And speaking of fired...even though it’s technically illegal, businesses still fire pregnant workers at high rates
So anyway. You have prenatal care. But holy shit. Pregnancy is NOT magic. Who TF lied?! The migraines! The vomiting! The diarrhea! And this is like...DAILY. It is straight up debilitating. Thank goodness you want and love this little bean you’re cookin into a baby.
Oh no. What now? Your pelvis is separating too rapidly and your pelvic floor is carrying the weight of that baby on its own? You can’t run or walk without pain anymore? Gotta go to Physical Therapy. That’s covered by your insurance right?
Time to have your baby! How much time are you getting off? You don’t have guaranteed parental leave?! But! You need at least 3-6 months for mom to heal and baby to grow! What about breastfeeding? Can you get a pump? (Hope you have insurance again)
Congratulations! Baby is healthy! Still need insurance! Baby’s gonna need to visit the pediatrician regularly. And with this pandemic and all the crazy essential oils moms, you gotta make sure baby has their shots. Hope your work gives you time to take them in to the Dr.
Speaking of. Do you have child care? Because depending on where you live, that’s going to be about $200 a week on the extreme cheap side and up to $400 on the pricey side. It’s ok. $10.4k-$20.8k is a bargain compared to college tuition (might need to start thinking about that)
So what I’m saying is, you can absolutely say you’re anti-abortion with your whole chest, but I want to see you support universal healthcare, universal paid 6-12 months of parental leave, a higher minimum wage and universal and subsidized childcare or gtfo.
I used myself as an example because I make a good salary, have good insurance, guaranteed paid leave, aka pregnancy on easy mode and it STILL isn’t what a I would call easy. Imagine someone in more dire circumstances.
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