Here is the depths of #SBMM after playing and studying it for over 2 years. This is based on 1000s of games and based on facts spoken by its creator. This will be a LONG thread, and yes you can disagree with me.
#1 SBMM does NOT match you with players of your skill ONLY. It can but will not do that exclusively. It takes into account a players recent games and predicts how many kills that person will get.

A player going 25-0 in one lobby does not mean he cannot go 0-25 the next.
SBMM predicts players kills and will eventually nail down an account within 2-5 kills predictions. YES SBMM KNOWS how many kills you will get vs certain lobbies. If you exceed that prediction, it will take that and move that prediction forward. Good thing right?
No. What happens eventually is the game puts you in lobbies with the same people over and over, and it has found your skill. Yes some randoms who did good recently will be there as well. But there is a MAJOR issue with SBMM that no one talks about.

The word "sweaty" means something different to a medicore player compared to a Top1%player. Both are complaining about SBMM though.. why? Because botblh players are having to "sweat" in EVERY game they play to be average in that lobby.
They both start going even or close to it every game. Both are trying their hardest and coming in with the same stats, yet the medicore player thinks he is the same skill as the Top1% player because of stats.
These 2 players will not play each other, yet their "Skill" looks the same on paper. SBMM made the mediocre player the same as the Top1%. These leads to EVERYONE complaining about SBMM. Everyone is sweating, not just the Top players.
#2 The argument FOR SBMM.

This argument has been said a TON.

"We want new players to not quit"

There is an easy way to do that.. Only make new players play players with low XP. Done.

So that argument is void.
Then the next argument -

"I dont want to get pub stomped all day"

If you are a lower 50% player.. if you take out SBMM you will play a Top1% player... ONE PERCENT OF THE TIME. Its math!

Most players will be bette than you because you are a lower 50% player.
However the bottom 1% in the game, you can still play them and pubstomp as well. Its all clear as day math.

With SBMM everyone sweats because the system makes it that way. The game becomes stale, lobbies full of the same people, not getting better.
#2 SBMM also creates even teams. This is a disaster.

When SBMM sees 2 people playing with each other it mixes and matches to create "Even" teams. What happens?

One player goes +30 and his team is full of TERRIBLE players, making him lose.
#3 SBMM creates toxic environments.

Players start finding players their skill, parting up and ONLY playing with each other. This allows them to pubstomp anyways.

Want more proof? I ran 6 stack in Destiny 2 for a year.. I have a 7+ kd in the game. But did I get better?
#4 Friends cant play with friends

Games with #SBMM is not fun to play with IRL friends. Skill gaps cannot party up because one person is getting destoryed and the other is having fun playing people of lower skill level. Its not fun for the other person at all, so they avoid them
#5 SMURFS and SBMM munipulation

Wonder why that new account has 70 kills? Wonder why this guy is -70?

These people are munipulating an account to have more fun. This is the middle finger to SBMM. In other words, they destroy the game for others because SBMM is there.
In result,

SBMM is terrible for EVERYONE. Not just good players. It can be manipulated, and it creates toxicity. Games become stale with the same people in the same lobbies.

Connection gets worse, search times are longer, and games with SBMM and 10k players? Unplayable.
More players may play your game, but WAY more people will be quitting.

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