Most of the national outlets never covered the Never Again Protest movements. WaPo did a cursory story when they shut down DHS headquarters. NYT did an opinion piece. Some coverage after the ICE worker ran over a protester. Only, NBC (website) did a detailed story early on.
The National media extensively covered the "open up" protests. They gave almost no ink to the "keep shit closed" i.e. body bag protests that same weekend. I learned about those from AJ+ who the Trump Administration is making register as a Foreign Agent.
The TL;DR is that often the national media gave outsized attention to marginal views, and in the process normalized them and helped them grow.

for historical context, see also: climate denialism.
The things I have learned are not worth being covered in national publication unless they become so big it becomes obvious you're ignoring it.

- climate protests
- green new deal
- labor protests
- ICE protests
- police reform
- any kind of reform unless you're talking "regulatory" reform which is actually code word for reducing regulations.

And if they do cover it it will definitely be both sides and so muddled you won't know what's actually happening.
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