Respect is neither asked nor earned,

It's commanded.

Here are 7 habits you can develop to command Respect

1. Seek responsibility, not fame or fortune

With responsibility comes opportunity, solve more problems

With each iteration you make better decisions, efficiency follows

You become role model
2. Confidence not doubt

Confident man is at his best under stress, it let's you exploit available assymetry

Get things done, respect yourself, others will follow
3. Know when to speak

Silence attracts respect, it is intimidating, it improves relations

Know when to be silent to command respect

Speak only to improve silence
4. Endure criticism

Critisism is as powerful as your reaction to it, nothing annoys hater more than ignorance

Endure criticism without losing composure
5. Constantly Dress, speak and Act to command respect

The way you look and carry yourself creates an impression on people you come in contact with

Be professional, your visual image should reinforce respect
6. Avoid Drama

No drama = better team player, first be part of team, so you can lead them

Nothing evaporates your reputation faster than drama.

7. Be prepared to stand alone

Commanding respect will put you inevitably on top and top is lonely

If you want to on top, prepare to be alone

Be emotionally self reliant
Respect is about

Holding yourself to higher standards, treating people fairly and getting things done.
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