The coordinated arrests of anti-racist activists in Denver two days ago are an attack on the whole #BlackLivesMatter movement.

Join us at the State Capitol bldg in Denver, 12PM TODAY
If you're in the Denver/Aurora area, COME OUT TODAY!

If you're not - you can still help!

Sign the petition ➡️ 

Donate to the legal fund ➡️ 

And share the event info on social media using the hashtag #DropTheChargesCO
People gathering for the rally now. Stay tuned in this thread for live coverage and updates #DropTheChargesCO
Terrance of the Frontline Party for Revolutionary Action was one of the activists arrested. He's here today. About the frame-up: “These are fictitious charges... We need to charge these OFFICERS.” #DropTheChargesCO #JusticeForElijahMcClain
On the IMPUNITY enjoyed by killer cops: “Just because you choose to be a cop for 10-15 years doesn’t give you the right to murder someone. We’re gonna continue to march for justice for all these victims of police brutality." #JusticeForElijahMcClain
“All of our comrades who are still incarcerated are political prisoners”

Close to a thousand people currently gathered here at the Colorado State Capitol in Denver. More arriving constantly. #DropTheChargesCO
As people continue to pour in to the area, the rally is officially getting started.

Comrade Jenn: “We wanna thank you for showing up here, for showing up for our comrades, for showing up for everyone in this movement” #DropTheChargesCO
Marissa, another PSL organizer: “the family, friends, and comrades of those still in jail want us to know that these people who have played such an important role in this uprising against police brutality are with us!” #DropTheChargesCO
"The organizers were arrested on phony, ludicrous charges. We demand their immediate release and to drop the charges!

They are being targeted because of their work, because of their leadership in the movement, because they were here with y’all, the people” #DropTheChargesCO
“The type of repression were seeing in Denver is being used throughout the country to attempt to put down one of the largest social movements in US history” #DropTheChargesCO
“We will not be deterred, we will not be defeated, we will not be afraid

We gathered to demand they be freed, we will continue to struggle, and the anti-racist movement will continue to grow!” #DropTheChargesCO
Lindsey speaking now

“I wanna call out Phil Weiser. We had a conversation on my porch, Mr. Weiser. You said everything that happened, wouldn’t happen" #DropTheChargesCO
“Kidnapping y’all? That’s an embarrassment. You are purposely trying to ruin their lives” #DropTheChargesCO
On the attempt to repress the movement:

“Don’t be scared. Don’t let them scare you. Now is not the time for fear. Fear is false evidence appearing real.
What we’re seeing here is 1969, cointelpro" #DropTheChargesCO
“We need to create a new government, a government of the people. There is more of us than those in charge. Remember that.

WE ARE THE LIGHT AGAINST THE DARKNESS. We’re gonna illuminate all these things being done!” #DropTheChargesCO
Quoting the famous poem by Martin Niemoller:

“"First they came for the socialists".

Look at all my comrades in the red shirts here. Who did they arrest first? The socialists!"
Ending by leading the crowd in a chant: "We have nothing to lose but our chains"
Next up, Kisi from Black Lives Matter.

“We know what they’re trying to do, right? They’re trying to silence us, right? We’re not gonna let them do that, right?” Crowd “no” #DropTheChargesCO
“We’re not gonna let cointelpro be successful this time, right? [crowd: “No”]

We must continue to fight for political prisoners. ALL political prisoners!”
"Now I want you so loud your ancestors can hear" Leading the crowd in chanting Assata Shakur's refrain:

“It is our duty to fight for our freedom.
It is our duty to win.
We must love each other and support each other.
We have nothing to lose but our chains.”
Next up, Glanise Northam, Joel’s mom, on the mic.

"He is a political prisoner! They are going to try to demonize him. My son is one of the greatest people I know. I just wanna show and tell you who Joel is” #DropTheChargesCO
Showing the crowd photos of Joel:

“This is my son Joel. Graduating cum laude. Two degrees in four years. This is who my son is.

This is my son preparing to sing with the Metropolitan Opera. This is who my son is." #DropTheChargesCO
“Joel took our puppy on his lap and comforted him. This is who my son is. He is STILL fighting for the underdog.

They have messed with the WRONG Black momma. I will fight for my son with everything I have!” #DropTheChargesCO
“Why do you need more money? "Because I gave all my money to those on the street who needed it"

Tthat’s who my son is. Now he is being persecuted by the state”
“Taking the lives of grown black men, of people’s lives without healthcare, of any person is unacceptable!”
On how Joel's entire family from all manner of backgrounds is rallying to support him:

“We have a rainbow coalition in our family! Arresting my son has brought me out here... They got a lot more than they bargained for!” #DropTheChargesCO
Next up, PSL organizer Nate on the mic:

“This is the same fight our comrades before us fought. Comrades like George Jackson and Assata Shakur” #DropTheChargesCO
Talks about how people’s movements and revolutionaries from all over the world have shown their support.

“We know they locked us up because we stood against police brutality and repression” #DropTheChargesCO
“We fight together because we know we’re stronger than any system that oppresses us. If there’s anything I know about our community, it’s that we can RESIST” #DropTheChargesCO


Next up, movement lawyer Mary Newman on the mic with Elija’s mom Shanin McClain.

“She has made a commitment that she’s not gonna speak until those that murdered her son are prosecuted and committed”
“If it weren’t so important, they wouldn’t be going after you. It is because of this protest movement that Colorado was able to pass the most comprehensive police reform bill in the U.S.

They are trying to chill these protests. They are doing this because these protests work!”
They conclude with a chant of “we will not be silent” #DropTheChargesCO #JusticeForElijahMcClain
Next up, our final speaker on the program today, Elizabeth Epps

“It’s a beautiful day for abolition” [crowd cheers]

“I’m gonna just confess: I’m terrified. I implore of you, if you’re scared all the time, to DO THE WORK ANYWAY!” #DropTheChargesCO
“It’s hard to be out here, but it’s even harder to be at home. Silence will not protect you!”
Talking about the recent death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg: “Who’s gonna protect you for the Democrats? It has to be us!”
“Defunding the police is not a euphemism!

I feel you when you’re calling for arrests and prosecution, but that can’t be the end of justice”
“We need to end Qualified Immunity for all state actors!

It is far past time to outlaw the use of chemical weapons. Period

And these things called ‘non-lethal weapons.’ I still have scars on my back"
"We will not let them go quietly into that night that is that cage. Just know that we are watching, all eyes are on them, that we’re gonna free them.

Self-defense and defense of community is not violence!”
“My voice is shaking for a reason. There are those of us here that know we are next. We expect you to come out for us.

Are y’all ready to fight? Ready to work? Ready to march?” #DropTheChargesCO
"I said I love being Black!"
Crowd is now lining up behind the banner, getting ready to march #DropTheChargesCO
Moving off the capitol lawn to the streets #DropTheChargesCO
Marching north on Lincoln now as the crowd fills the street
“No Justice, No Peace! No Racist Police!” The anti-racist movement marching down 16th ave.
“Brick by brick, wall by wall, this racist system has to fall.” #DropTheChargesCO
"Ain't no power like the power of the People cus the power of the People don't stop!"
"Hey hey, ho ho, these racist pigs have got to go!"
United, we are stronger than any oppressive system. We will put an end to racist police terror and the system that murdered Elijah McClain and so many others.

This is what the power of the people looks like.
#DropTheChargesCO #JusticeForElijahMcClain
"Back up, back up, we want freedom, freedom/All these racist-ass pigs we don't need em, need em"
"There comes a time when SILENCE is BETRAYAL" -Martin Luther King Jr.
"Free our comrades! Drop all charges!"
"You can jail a revolutionary, but you can't jail a REVOLUTION"

Bystanders cheering on the anti-racist march or joining as it passes #DropTheChargesCO
"Drop all the charges! Stop the frame-up!" #DropTheChargesCO
"Stop D.A. Young's VENDETTA against protestors!"
"Arrest Killer Cops! Not protesters!"
Anti-racist movement flooding Tremont Place.

"If we don't get no justice, they don't get no peace!"
"If they come for me in the morning, they will come for you in the night" -Angela Davis
Taking the street outside the jail where our incarcerated comrades are being held. A line of militarized cops guard the entrance. FREE THEM ALL NOW! #DropTheChargesCO
Marching past militarized cops at the jail.

"The cops and klan go hand in hand!"
"Who's got the power? We've got the power!"
Making noise in solidarity with our comrades who are still held in this cage. FREE ALL POLITICAL PRISONERS! #DropTheChargesCO
Now marching along the other side of the courthouse and jail.

Rallying outside the jail now, keeping it LOUD so our comrades inside know we're here. #DropTheChargesCO

"Which side are you on, which side are you on? Justice for Lilian is justice for all!"
“I was charged with kid napping, a bogus ass trumped up charge.

These charges that they trumped up on us are politically motivated because that’s all they have. They don’t have the people!” #DropTheChargesCO
“We are gonna keep protesting.

We are gonna keep fighting.

We are not afraid. We are growing!

We are TIRED of the tyranny. We are TIRED of the oppression”

Comrade Ryan now on the mic, reading statements from our comrades in jail.

“They say: ‘stay strong. Stay disciplined’

‘These walls are thick. But knowing that you’re out there keeps on going’

‘We’ll keep fighting till it falls.'"
“Free the comrades!

They’re some of the strongest, kindest, clear headed people I know. They’re some of the most dedicated people to this struggle. They put their freedom on the line” #DropTheChargesCO
Next up, Nina on the mic.

“They are behind bars for crimes they did not commit!

DPD, miss me with those bullshit charges!”
On the real reason the anti-racist activists were arrested: “They exposed these officers for the slave-catching immoral slime that they are”
“We are not afraid. We will continue to fight!

They will never be out of our minds, and out of our hearts!

This is not about fighting each other. They do that for us. I love you. Let’s march!”
Making noise for the comrades again. FREE THEM ALL NOW!
Setting out to march again!
"Justice for Elijah McClain!"
Pastors for Peace is out here - "Celebrate Cuba's Commitment to Sustainable Development"

The fight against U.S. police terror at home and U.S. imperialism abroad are deeply connected. This is a global struggle!
"Justice for all victims of police terror!"
Dozens of kids on skateboards riding alongside the march in solidarity!
Marching back to the capitol bldg now #DropTheChargesCO
Lindsey on the mic again.

“We were here with the people. Don’t forget that these people who were arrested were here. Solidarity is a must!”
Leading the crowd in a chant: “With the people, we are here”
Talking about how the arrested organizers have been with the Justice for Elijah McClain movement from the beginning:

“When we were there in the first days, PSL was there.

When we were demanding justice for Elijah, PSL was there.”
Satya now on the mic, leading the crowd in a chant of “Free them all. Drop the charges” #DropTheChargesCO
“I came here to Denver yesterday with other organizers from Texas, from New Mexico, from Utah.

This movement has captured the attention of people all across the nation and the world!”
“You’ve been a real inspiration for millions of people around the country and around the world, which is why we’ve been receiving international solidarity with the movement for justice in Denver”
Satya on the arrests:

“This is a reaction by the Denver Police Agents who are terrified of the militant mass movement in the streets!

They are terrified that this movement will grow!”
“This is not a local problem. This movement is national. The fight back is national. The repression to the people’s rebellion has also been national.

Democrat and Republican controlled states have both waged a vicious attack on this movement”
“The violence of poverty, we face that every day. Rightfully, people are rising up against this racist unjust system.

“We are the real resistance. Not the Democratic Party.

We need organizations that are able to push back against the repression of the police

We need to have the ability to organize our resources and respond quickly. That is exactly what we’ve done today”
“We need a different type of political and economic system. And that system is socialism. I’m not afraid to say it: I am a socialist!

What we need is a system to meet everyone’s needs. So we’re building a movement not only against police brutality but FOR socialism!”
“We are not a party of professional politicians that will sell out the people. We are a party of revolutionaries! We are a party of fighters, of organizers!”

“We are not afraid. We are not scared. We’re going to keep getting stronger, more organized. We're gonna free them all!”
Following along at home and want to support the struggle?

Sign the petition ➡️ 

Donate to the legal fund ➡️ 

And spread the word about the #JusticeForElijahMcClain campaign and the demand to #DropTheChargesCO
We have a long struggle ahead of us - and the Party for Socialism and Liberation is in it for the long haul. Our enemies are highly organized, we need to be too.

If you're ready to take the step, join us: 
Free the arrested anti-racist activists!

Drop all the charges!

Stop the frame-up!

The people united will END RACIST POLICE TERROR!

Thank you to everyone who came out today and everyone who's been supporting from elsewhere. All power to the people!
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