Lady Victoria Jasmine Saeromia Lee MCMXCVII

Crown princess of @WEASTERNED
Hastily, she walked across the empty hallway. Her footsteps echoed throughout the ancient castle. She was late. She had overslept this morning preparing for her speech. As she opened the tall ornated door, everyone turned around, making her the center of attention.
"Right at the moment. Princess Victoria Jasmine Saeromia Lee, we are pleased to have you here. Would you please take your turn to have a speech now?" Viscount Apeach welcomed her as she hesitantly proceeded into the podium. She could feel King Ryan's intense gaze from his throne.
"Ehm," taking over the mic, she cleared her throat and began talking. "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your time. This afternoon we gather here to listen to all the crown princes and princesses' vision & mission statement."
"Before I present mine, let me first enlighten you on why I should be the next queen. Having gone through years of training, I competed with the other ladies in Royal School and ended up securing the third place."
"I then become the leader of a group consisting of nine fun talented girls called fūnine, and has sucessfully proven my leadership by spreading happiness throughout the countries until now."
"My strenghts lie in the advanced knowledge of technology. As the young generation of Weasterned Kingdom, I believe we have to be more open to the neverending development of applied science, for it simplifies the complexity we may face in everyday life."
"Speaking of complexity, I notice that future has been a fuss among youth nowadays. The reason would be its unpredictable nature which has provoked & brought them to the overthinking state. Therefore, hereby I offer you a vision of creating a brighter future of WST citizens."
"How, you may ask. By foreseeing it. The predictions would enable them to plan and lead them to flowery pathways. This would only be possible by utilizing the technology that we have been working on for years. And we know that technology better as astrology."
"Upon taking over the throne, I'd develop a system to provide the necessary information regarding one's future. It may be correct, it may be not. It may be changed, it may be not. We're only giving away the information. Eventually, everything depends on your choice."
"I personally can see a promising era under my ruling." She locked gaze with King Ryan and continued, "with that being said, I'll conclude my speech here. Thank you." She bowed down and smile as the chamber was filled with applause.
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