I am a 49-year old woman who has played within the lines of the political fights presented – working quietly to make change behind the scenes – trying to do all I could to build on the benefits provided to me because of the fights that RBG engaged in.
From the moment RBG passed, my phone lit up with texts like the one from my retired school teacher neighbor, “RBG died. What are we going to do” or my best childhood friend, “Tell me what to do” or my many, many women lawyer friends essentially saying we WILL fight.
I know I have the power and the life I have that allows me to fight for the rights of those without power because of women like RBG. Now it is our turn.
While I am not radical, I am ready to fly to DC in the middle of COVID19 and lay my body on the floor of the United States Senate to prevent a vote from occurring before the next term of Congress.
Let us band together to ensure that RBG’s fights are upheld. Let us commit today to ORGANIZE, INSPIRE, VOTE, FIGHT and yes…. If we must, let us conduct a SIT IN in the UNITED STATES SENATE until this election is over and the next Congress has been seated.
I also want people to really understand the profound ways in which RBG structured the possibilities for women today, both personally and professionally.
It was her fight–first as a litigator–and then her jurisprudence on the bench that ensured that even without the passage of the ERA, the Constitution would guarantee women “full citizenship stature—equal opportunity to aspire, achieve, participate in and contribute to society."
RBG was a personal heroine of mine, a friend to my family, an inspiration to women and men around the globe and she fundamentally changed how the United States Constitution interpreted gender equality. I will always honor her legacy.
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