Basically. Just read the instructions how and why you should bid on my mooncakes. It's ONLY for 3 sets of 2 mooncakes. LIMITED EDITION.

Only 3 sets and no more.
Last bid will be on 23 sep, 7pm cause I wanna make it "fresh" for you all if you win and I can deliver on the weekend. IT DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE with "fresh" snowskin I was shockuuu compared to the bakery one.
Oh yeah. You can team up with friends for the bids but you got to figure out who gets the mooncake delivery experience.
Updating this thread also:


$88 - Free Food For All
$100 (+20) - Love Kuching Project
$100 (+20) - T Project

The plusses are other people going to chip into that bid just so we can get the final part where I come as Zhang E and cut a mooncake with a sword.

@dorothyho wins the bid for Free Food For All and @attyarr is topping up so the tier is I call Dorothy as Houyi and will do a video since she ain't in SG. I'll pass the mooncakes to @attyarr .
And @jdeamattson wins the bid for Love Kuching Project AND T Project! And @whyvo just topped up a bit for both because she wants to see the tier hit for stabbing a mooncake with a sword.

Guess what, with both donations combo-ed yeah IMMA CUT A MOONCAKE WITH A SWORD!
Y'all just send me the receipts when you donate via dm. @attyarr & @jdeamattson needs to also dm me address/time during the weekend for me to deliver the mooncakes.
JUST UPDATING this thread.
Final tally:
Team @dorothyho with @attyar topping up a bit for Free Food for All: $218
@jdeamattson for BOTH Love Kuching Project: $150 and T Project: $150 with @whyvo topping up a bit!
#sarahzhangemooncakes Also I contributed a bit too for all.
ALSO @attyarr says the mooncakes are nice (though if you see it properly, it's not perfect) BUT IT TASTES good so that's the best expectation at the very least.
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