Amy Coney Barrett is going to get a lot of news coverage in the coming days, but before she does I'm gonna explain why I think she's unqualified to be on the Supreme Court, which has nothing to do with any political views of mine (for reference, I didn't dislike the Gorsuch pick)
ACB became pretty famous when Dianne Feinstein got mad at her for bringing her Catholicism into the courtroom. Feinstein famously declared "The dogma lives loudly within you." This was red meat for conservatives, but what Feinstein was referencing was very concerning.
ACB had co-written an article in 1998 effectively arguing that justices should recuse themselves from cases where their religious beliefs conflict... and this is a pretty big effing deal and speaks to her belief system as a judge!
I have no problem with religion in politics. In fact, I welcome it. However, a judge's job is to be able to look at the facts of the case and be able to squash their own personal opinions... and what ACB advocated for was the complete opposite of that.
A judge's oath, while often given on a bible, is sworn to the Constitution. The Constitution takes supremacy over all else, and if a judge can't bury their own personal views then they are unfit to be a judge.
I am open to debate on this... and I would give ACB the opportunity to address this concern but it is a serious red flag.
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