As a math professor who teaches some linear algebra in ML and differential equations, I want to correct Lindsay’s error about spectra:

[pic: image description in the thread // CW for trans-antagonism]
Image is of tweets:

Eugene Gu replying to Rowling:
"As a physician, I want people to know that sex exists on a bimodal biological spectrum just like gender exists on a bimodal sociological spectrum. ...
Gu, cont.: "While most identify as either female or male, there are intersex and trans individuals whose identities are just as valid and real.”
James Lindsay replying to Gu:

"As a mathematician, what is a "spectrum" with only around 18 possible discrete values that can't be given a total order? / You're a fraud. Stay in your lane.”
Steve Zara replying to James Lindsay:

"James. That’s clearly NOT what he is saying, as his views are NOT those of a fraud - they are biologically accurate.”
Lindsay doubling down on his linear algebra error:

"There's no such thing as a "spectrum" of 18 discrete points that can't have a total order put into them. You're wrong here, Steve."
There is no mathematical requirement for a spectrum to have a total order, as Lindsay seems to believe.

In fact, the complex plane does not admit a total order, and for each set S of 18 complex numbers, one can construct a matrix whose spectrum is S.
In fact, 18 by 18 matrices can have basically arbitrary spectra, including 18 points with no total order.

James A. Lindsay weaponizes incorrect “facts” and misunderstood mathematics against minoritized people.
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