Just dug up this clip of Obama in 2016:

"When there is a vacancy on the SCOTUS, the President is to nominate someone, the Senate is to consider that nomination... There's no unwritten law that says that it can only be done on off-years. That's not in the Constitution text."
Obama on the 2016 empty SCOTUS seat:

"Let the American people watch him. Let him answer questions in front of the voters — Republican, Democrat, and independent — and then call a vote."
Obama in 2016:

"The Constitution says that I nominate candidates for SCOTUS when there's a vacancy... [The Senate's] job is to give this person a hearing, to show the courtesy of meeting with them. They are then free to vote whatever their conscience dictates."
Obama in 2016:

"I'm going to do my job. I'm going to nominate somebody... It's not as if the Senate calendar is so full that we do not have time to get this done."
Obama in 2016:

"It is tempting to make this confirmation process simply an extension of our divided politics, but to go down that path would be wrong. It would be a betrayal of our best traditions. And a betrayal of the vision of our founding documents."
Obama in 2016:

"Our Supreme Court really is unique. It's supposed to be above politics. It has to be. And it should stay that way."
Obama in 2016:

"I have fulfilled my Constitutional duty. Now it's time for the Senate to do theirs. Presidents do not stop working in the final year of their term. Neither should a Senator."
Biden in 2016:

"I would go forward with the confirmation process as chairman. Even a few months before a presidential election... just as the Constitution requires."
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