rbg's death really lays bare the problem with liberalism. one nearly-100-yr-old woman (who was anti-native & transphobic but that's another rant) should not be the only thing standing between us & fascism. "just vote" doesn't fix a system BUILT to value some lives above others.
i'm upset abt her passing but the reactions from both center & left surprised me. the system has been this way from the start. you should have already been fighting, & your fight will not change that much bc it's bad. it's been bad. it will remain bad until we insist it changes.
something about seeing a ton of ppl decide that THIS was the "now we're fucked" straw that broke the camel's back and not the election and continued support of a literal fascist just left me with a really bad taste in my mouth.
it's not even as if trump was the sudden "now it's bad" moment, but just... how much more stark do you need it?
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