I hope people follow their principles and maintain integrity. I don't presume to know what people should do. But I do speak a common language with people who paid attention to what neoliberalism has done to us and the death and destruction it left in its wake.
Neoliberalism gave us Trump. It abandoned families. It destroyed communities. It is the greatest evil of our time because it gives off a false "legitimacy" while being a direct form of fascism.
From mass surveillance to mass incarceration, deficit reduction and means testing, it has done more to destroy, divide and crush democracy than anything else... it also has killed our environment.
Sadly, even when Bernie was running, most of you all ignored his economic advisor Stephanie Kelton and ignored #MMT, so I am used to folks ignoring how to even make Bernie's platform happen.
So this is just the next wave of people who ignored #MMT and refused to read her NY Times bestselling book "The Deficit Myth" and know we won't have progress until "know it alls" learn economics.
It has been nice to see people reading it however. It has been nice to see @icecube get it that @SpeakerPelosi "Pay Go" is lethal to the people. That it is used to deny the poor and the country of much needed services.
But now, with the passing of #RBG, we realize how important elections SHOULD be., but alas, the feudal lords of the Democratic party, much like the priesthood of Martin Luther's time, don't feel the unwashed masses can be trusted to select a candidate.
They continue to advance neoliberalism and expect us all to fall in line! Accept this or allow the other bad guys to run the show!
So how important do you think replacing RBG really is to the unwashed masses? The SCOTUS is extremely important, but there is no law that says we cannot add additional justices. Nothing. Not one single law on the books that says we cannot increase the court to 11 or even 13.
In many ways, more justices would dramatically help Democracy for the people.
We really need to restore faith in primary elections and overall elections so that we actually have a functioning democracy, but the frantic nonsense pushing us to ignore all of this is not healthy, sane or respectful of those who have been left behind, destitute or marginalized.
Mass incarceration. We have failed the most vulnerable by rigging elections & ignoring the needs of workers and the poor for far too long and now RBG is dead and we are being herded, shamed and threatened for not playing the game that gives a veil of legitimacy to our own demise.
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