🔥 #Artshare🔥

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In honor of passing 250+ followers I'm starting this Art Share

🍞 Post art of a series of yours
🍞 Add as many series as you like
🍞 Add links + if it has a story
🍞 Follow someone you're not already
🍞 Talk with someone
🍞 Mark posts
🍞 Eat bread
Here's a series of mine! "Depth of Despair and Sin. No real story of mine, just some art lol. I keep that under #RecloyDds for now
Here's another called Wizards and Robots! I mark that under #RecloyWar
Also hosting this: https://twitter.com/RecloySo/status/1306209029627080706?s=19
You can follow @RecloySo.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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