This is probably the most important thread I ever wrote, therefore, it's supported by numerous evidence... 🙂

Thread: Forbidden history of #Europe

* The lost world of #OldEurope - The Danube Valley Civilization

* History of Illyrian #Serbs and ancient #Serbia

⬇️Full thread ⬇️
2) There were once a mysterious European cultures located in the #Balkans which left us a legacy in the form of valuable artifacts covered with a sacred script, spacious houses, professional ceramics, lawish jewellery and other artisan products & sophisticated goods... ⬇️
3) #LepenskiVir culture is the very beginning and it lasts from 9500 - 6000 BC. The #VincaCulture lasts from 5500 BC - 4000 BC. The period from 6200 BC - 4500 BC it is covered by the #StarcevoCulture

The Neolithic period in #Serbia is covered by these 3 amazing cultures. ⬇️
4) #Vinča aerheological site is located only 14 km downstream from #Belgrade, #Serbia.

A number of archaeological excavations have revealed numerous cultural layers of a civilization and its largest #Neolithic settlement in #Europe, dating back more than 6,000 years BC. ⬇️
5) #VincaCulture lifestyle reminds us of our own. The #Neolithic houses in #Vinča were made in rows according to a certain system and they were all facing northeast due to the winds.

They lived in houses that had very complex architectural layouts. ⬇️
6) Almost every house had calotte oven, the forerunner of the pizza oven that still can be seen in old Serbian houses.

Characterized by peculiar sculptures and artifacts, it was the most advanced culture in the #PrehistoricWorld and a world pioneer in copper metallurgy. ⬇️
7) A society of many skilled craftsmen, #Vinča period left many ceramics bowls and artifacts decorated with ritualistic ornaments.

These bowls were used as food storage & dishes, while small ones were supposedly used for jewelry storage and perhaps ritualistic practices. ⬇️
8) Significantly larger than any other group of settlements of the time in #Europe, #Vinča was noted for an enormous growth in population and density. Practitioners of mixed subsistence economy, people of #VincaCulture were farmers, fishermen, hunters & skilled metallurgists. ⬇️
9) Ceramics artifacts can be seen at National Museum of Serbia and Belgrade City Museum.

But the earliest proof of copper metallurgy in #Europe was found in type site #Belovode in northeastern #Serbia, with numerous copper artifacts made in 6th millennium BC. ⬇️
10) Its copper metallurgy findings in #Serbia made #VincaCulture one of the most important archeological discoveries of the 20th century, and led many archeologists to proclaim it the most advanced prehistorical civilization in the world. ⬇️ 
11) The cross with 4 S letters (Cyrillic letter "C"), one of the original symbols from VincaCulture and characteristic symbol for the Illyrians in the ancient times and later Serbs who used it for their national symbol and coat of arms since medieval times until day of today. ⬇️
12) The reason I've chosen to start this topic with #VincaCulture is because their outstanding script which deserves much more attention than it has…

The #Vinča writing is apparently the oldest writing in history, 373 years older than the oldest Sumerian writing. ⬇️
13) #Vinča writting is apparently the script from which other script such as Etruscan and Latin are descended...

However, what not so many people know is that Serbian Cyrillic alphabet #Srbica is considered the purest form of the ancient #Vinča writing. ⬇️
14) The story of #Vinča script starts with a man, Svetislav Bilbija who published a book back in 1984 called "Staroevropski jezik i poreklo Etruraca" (Old European language and the origin of the #Etruscans). In it, he interprets Etruscan language by using Serbian Cyrillic. ⬇️
15) Bilbija also claimed that Etruscans should be called Rascians and that their language was the same language used today by the #Serbs.

By many historians of that time, Rascians were also called Veneti (Enetoi, Venethi, Vendi). ⬇️
16) The central part of medieval Serbian state was #Rascia region, that covered the territory of #Kosovo as well.

In the Middle Ages, the region was a center of the Serbian Principality and of the Serbian Kingdom, whose capital was the city of #Ras (a World Heritage Site). ⬇️
17) "Die Politischen Verhältnisse der Balkan-Halbinsel" is German map on which the Tribal (Serbian) kingdom of #Rascia is presented in close-up.

There is also the name of the old mountain - #Helm (ex name of the #Balkan peninsula) named after the mountain Helm in #Serbia. ⬇️
18) #RadivojePešić systematized the elements of the alphabet discovered at #LepenskiVir and the word symbols found at excavations of the #VincaCulture.

In a very detailed study, Pešić proven that #Vinča script had been a base for ancient Serbian alphabet called #Srbica. ⬇️
19) Old Serbian alphabet #Srbica in the beginning had 22 letters from #Vinča script.

Since it was modified and in the 16th century given a name #Cyrillic (which is a wrong name to call it), out of 30 letters in total Serbian script contains 27 letters from #VincaCulture. ⬇️
20) But the modern history continue to suppress these facts, since in Nazi Germany there existed a Wend Department, which, as A.A. Gugnin writes in his book "Twentieth Century Sorb Literature", secretly order by German press to avoid any information and articles about #Sorbs ⬇️
21) and their history, as it was strictly forbidden to use the term Sorb - Serb (Wend is a German synonym for Serb). 

Cultural aggression against #Serbs is especially evident during the more comprehensive contact with the West, which was represented ⬇️
22) by the #HabsburgEmpire.

The closer the West got to the Serbian ethnic areas, the more the Serbian religion, name, holidays, ie saints and script were endangered.

This was done with one clear goal - the denationalization of #Serbs, the loss of their national identity ⬇️
23) and individuality, which should all lead to their disappearance as a separate people.

In the denationalization of #Serbs, the first blows were directed at the Serbian Orthodox Church as the heritage of #Christianity and the Serbian people as the cultural and national ⬇️
24) heritage of the Serbian people.

The striking fist of the West in that aggression were Germany and Austria whose goal was to separate one ethnic nation and create new ones such as Croatian, Bosnian and Albanian. ⬇️
25) You probably wonder why would Germans and Austrians falsify the history...

This can be explained by many medieval historians who claim that Serbs (Slavs) were natives in Germany and Austria, before arrival of Nordic tribes on the Balkans. ⬇️
26) However, many local and foreign archaeologists and scientists claim that the #VincaCulture is one of the cultures that inherits European culture and that a modern, European culture developed from it thousands of years later - Serbian culture. ⬇️
27) #Serbs have always been densely populated on the #Helm ( #Balkan) peninsula as direct descendants of European proto-peoples and civilizations who lived for many millennia in the harmonious coexistence of their numerous tribes, created by genetic connection, and who all ⬇️
28) spoke the same language.

This is how numerous tribes and native names were created (many of them are still in use in #Serbia and Serbian language), which were recorded by ancient medieval sources, and whose tradition, script and genetics coincide with today's #Serbs. ⬇️
29) The name #Serbs (in ancient times also called Serboi, Servie, Serbi, Seurbi, Serabi, Sarbi, Sorbi, Sardi etc.) existed all the time because they were class determinants and often denoted the dominant form of organization of the wider community. ⬇️
30) A large number of ancient & medieval sources clearly equate individually or in groups all these different tribes of the same nation, both in language, culture, customs, and in the explicit emphasis on mutual kinship: Illyrian, Dalmatian, Rascian, Trachian, Dachian, Sorde, ⬇️
31) Mezian, Macedonian, Dardanian, Sarmatian (Sarbatian), Sardis, Tribali, Venete, Vends (Wends), Getae, Scythians, Lusatians etc.

Out of the numerous forms of the ancient Serbian names, two forms were the most widely used - Sorbi (Sordi) and Sarmati (Sarbati). ⬇️
32) Appiani Alexandrini in "Romanorum historiarum" (Firmin Dido, Paris, 1850) wrote that Sordi were Illyrians.

In 2nd century AD Appiani tells us that the Roman Fulvius Flacus fought in 135 AD with the #Serbs in the Neretva Valley, whom they call Illyrians or Dalmatians. ⬇️
33) Caroli du Fresne Du Cange in "Illyricum vetus & novum historia" (p. 6, Haeredum Royerianorum, Posonii, 1746) explains that the form of the name Sordi was changed by other writers to Scordi, as it was the habit of Latin writers to add the letter "c" after the letter "s" ⬇️
33) Caroli also wrote "Seruis, populis ita adpellatis, qui vltra Danubium habitabant, illorumque pars erant, quos Slauos vulgo nuncupant" 

- At that time, Serbs were also mentioned under different names, usually by the names of individual nations, but also as Spori or Slavs. ⬇️
34) The name #Slavs just then appeared as a general and vulgar name for #Serbs.

He pointed out that Old #Serbia has been called Sarmatia as well.

When it was obvious that they were located all over Illyrian Serbia, it was clear to many historians that there was not a word ⬇️
35) about one tribe, but a nation made up of several tribes who spoke the same language.

For an example, Caroli du Fresne Du Cange also wrote that Scordis occupied territory in Gaul, Illyria, Pannonia, Moesia, Thrace, Macedonia, and across the Danube among the Getae. ⬇️
36) This was confirmed as well by E. Prikot De Saint-Marie in the book "Les Slaves Meridionaux" (p. 51, Armand Lechevalier, Paris, 1874.) who wrote: "In Roman times, they (Scordis) were so numerous that they occupied Illyria, Pannonia, Moesia, Thrace... and on the other side ⬇️
37) of the Danube among the Getae".

Prikot said: "Selon Visquenel, le mot Slave apparait pour la premiere fois en 552, sous la plume de Jomandes et de Procope"

- In fact, the name #Slav appears for the first time in 552 with Jornandes and Procopius. ⬇️
38) Lucius Annaeus Florus in "Epitome rerum Romanorum" (L. III, C. IV, p. 263, Apzd Henricum Wetsenium, Amstelaedami, 1708) wrote:

"Saevissimi omnium Thracum Scordisci fuere: sed calliditas queque ad robur accesserat, Silvarium & montium situs cum ingenio consentiebant" ⬇️
39) meaning that Thrace was entirely inhabited by Scordis who lived in the mountains and forests.

According to the Thracian religion, the goddess of earth and fertility was Ζεμελα-Earth, in the religion of Brigans (Phrygians of Phrygia, Asia Minor) the goddess of the earth ⬇️
40) was called Ζεμελο-Earth, in the "Greek" religion she was the mother of the god Dionysus (of whom Herodotus says that is originally from Thrace) and was called Σεμελη-Semele.

The common root of all these words is the Serbian word - zemlja, zemja, zemla (meaning Earth). ⬇️
41) These words are used today in Serbian and Macedonian language.

Strabon says that the ancient Macedonians were of Thracian origin, while Herodotus states that the Thracians differ from the Illyrians only in the dialect of the language, that was the only difference. ⬇️
42) Appian from Alexandria claims that the Illyrian people are of the same nationality as the one in Macedonia and that they are all Pelasgians, therefore, from all of these sources we can conclude that they were all of the same origin and had the same name for the goddess. ⬇️
43) Robert Cyprian developed a theory about the origin of all #Slavs from the Illyrian-Serbs, i.e. from the Danube Balkan #Serbs, which stretched from the Baltic and Black Seas to the Caucasus and the Caspian Sea.

He calls the Serbs of the lower Danube proto-Serbs or the ⬇️
44) the original #Serbs, and he claims that the proto-Serbs inhabited those areas earlier than the time when Moses lived.

As for the later arrival of Serbs in the #Balkans, Cyprian says that they only came to help in the fights against the Romans. ⬇️
45) Pаvel Jоsef Šаfаřík confirmed this theory. In his book, Pavel wrote: " #Serbs have been living in #Europe since ancient times or from prehistoric times, and such a widespread nation has its origins in the distant past."

He claims that #Serbs inhabited almost the whole of ⬇️
46) #Europe and many parts of Asia.

"The name Serb is the oldest and deeply rooted among all #Slavs," wrote Shafarik.

In his book called "Serbische Lesekorner" Pavel added:

"Old Croatia in the south of the Kupa, ⬇️
47) with the capitals of Bihać in present-day Bosnia and Biograd in present-day Dalmatia, has always belonged, as far as language is concerned, to the Serbian vernacular; What the older writers of these areas call Croatian is purely Serbian language." ⬇️
48) Greek historian Laonicus Chalcondyles claims that #Serbs are the oldest and largest nation in the world (meaning all Slavs by that name):

"Tryballos, Serblos, autem gentem esse totius orbis antiquissimam et maximam, compertum habeo" ⬇️
49) meaning "Tribals, #Serbs, are the oldest and largest nation in the whole world, I know for sure."

In the original German chronicle written around 750 AD in Munich, he writes:

"Serbs represent such a great empire that all Slavic people descended from them.” ⬇️
50) One of the most famous Croatian historians Dr. Franjo Rački states in his book "History of the Slavs":

"In the beginning, the #Slavs were called by the local name #Serbs, while foreigners, especially Germans, called them Wends. The Greeks and Romans have called them ⬇️
51) by the same name since the 7th century BC."

In his book, Alexander Veltman confirms that in ancient times the name #Serbs was common to all #Slavs.

German ethnologist Zering also writes: "The first common name of all Slavs was Serbs, which meant united." ⬇️
52) The same theory has been confirmed as well by Count Kállay who states:

"According to the research of the best scientists, all Slavic peoples in ancient times were called #Serbs." ⬇️
53) Pаvel Jоsef Šаfаřík wasn't the only one to claim that Serbs inhabited almost the whole of Europe and some parts in Asia. There are numerous profs from other historians, geographers etc.

Pliny the Elder lived between 0 AD and 100 AD when he recorded that #Serbs ⬇️
54) (Scytian people) were taking place between Montes Ceraunii & the river Rhea.

Johann Joseph Ignaz von Döllinger wrote:

"The Slavic tribes, under the names of Wends & Serbs, inhabit the lands between the Baltic and Black Seas, the Carpathians, the Don and the Upper Volga." ⬇️
55) Grbovnik Korenić-Neorić from 1595. is a historical book that showcases national coat of arms of all Serbian regions in the medieval times and Serbian royal families:

(Illyria, Serbia, Rascia, Bosnia, Macedonia, Croatia, Dalmatia, Slavonia etc.) ⬇️
56) As a father and light of all Illyrian lands it is shown St. Jerome (Jeronim the Serb).

From the Serbian Royal families and tribes we got coat of arms of Nemanjić, Branković, Jugović, Kastriotić etc. ⬇️
57) Probably the most significant is the coat of arms book from 1340. (when the Illyrian name was widely used for all southern Slavs; Illyrian = Slavs = Serbs).

This coat of arms from Fojnica is composed of the coats of arms of 9 South Slavic regions under Serbian empire: ⬇️
58) Dalmatia, #Serbia, Rascia, Bosnia, Croatia, Slavonia, Primorje, Bulgaria and Macedonia and two Serbian ruling houses - Nemanjić and Kotromanić - as well as the coat of arms of #Illyria which is Serbian native land. ⬇️
59) Illyrian symbolism of the Crescent and the star Danica has nothing to do with Islam.

The cult of the moon in the Illyrians, ie. of the southern #Slavs is the most important, especially pronounced in the #SlavicMythology. there is a very clear continuity in usage of this ⬇️
60) cresdent and star Danica symbols from #LepenskiVir culture, #VincaCulture, to Slavic Mythology period and Roman Empire until #Slavs accepted Christianity.

The same symbol has been found even on the ancient graveyards from Neolithic period in #Serbia. ⬇️
61) In the book "The Slovaks of Hungary - Slavs and Panslavism" (Knickerbocker Press, 1906) Thomas Capek wrote that South Slavs are Illyrians, known as Serbs, Croats, Bosniaks.

Slavonians from Germany also called themself "Srbové", while Germans called them Vends or Vinds. ⬇️
62) In the book „Die Deutschen und die Nachbarstämme“ Kaspar wrote:

"The Serbs have a kingdom of such a size that all Slavic peoples descended from them, which they themselves confirm." ⬇️
63) Johann Gottfried Eichhorn, German historian wrote a book „Weltgeschichte - Geschichte der neuen Welt“ where he explained from where the name " #Slavs" came from, mentioning that the oldest name for the whole nation used by these people in its history was name #Serbs.
64) John G. R. Forlong in "Encyclopedia of Religions" says that "Serbs preserve many ancient pagan beliefs common to Slavs... Bosnians, Croats, Ruthenians, Montenegrins, Albanians and Herzegovinians are all of SERBIAN descent." ⬇️
65) František Ladislav Rieger wrote:

"During the time of the Nemanjić, the Bosnian Ban Tvrtko took the title of King of #Serbs and Bosnia (1376) in order to replace the Kingdom of Serbia with another powerful empire - Serbian Bosnia."

Ján Kollár confirmed this as well. ⬇️
66) Geographer Malthe Conrad Bruun explained a difference between #Serbs who lived in Serbia, Bosnia, Macedonia and Rascia. ⬇️
67) Lubor Niederle, Czech anthropologist, archaeologist, ethnographer and historian, in his work explains with scientific references and writings of the most influential ancient, late antique writers, also from the 18th and 19th centuries: ⬇️
68) "The original name for all #Slavs was #Serbs, all ancient writers say that, most ancient writings, but also all Polish chronicles from the 12th and 13th centuries, as well as most Old Czech and Russian chronicles." ⬇️
69) Тhe fact that Bosnia and Croatia (including Dalmatia) were always part of #Serbia was confirmed by Gianantonio Bomman, among many others.

In his book "Storia Civille Ed Eccleasiastica della Dalmazia, Croazia e Bosna" (Antonio Locatelli, Venezia, 1775) Gianantonio wrote: ⬇️
70) "...During the reign of King Svevlad, Ostroil's son, from 535 to 549, all three Serbian regions were united in a kind of community: the Adriatic, Dacia and Sarmatia. It is especially noted that King Svevlad ruled: Bosnia, Dalmatia, Croatia, Wallachia and part of Poland." ⬇️
71) In the same book „Storia Civile Ed Ecclesiastica Della Dalmazia, Croazia E Bosna“, Bomman precisely made a Serbian family tree, mentioning Serbian rulers in these regions - the dynasties of Oštrivojević, Svevladović, Nemanjić and their genealogies. ⬇️
72) Erster Theil in „Geschichte der Bohmen von den altesten bis auf die neuesten Zeiten“ wrote:

"This Samo (king Samovlad) was a Slav from the land of Sorba, today's Meissen. This Serb gave good advice to the nearby Czechs, how to attack a superior enemy and defeat him." ⬇️
73) When talking about Croats, in "Historische und geographische Beschreibung des Königreiches Slavonien und des Herzogthums Syrmien" it has been mentioned he following:

"Those #Serbs who lived in the hilly part of the country of Boja, or today's Bohemia and Moravia region, ⬇️
74) were called Horvati (Hrbati), Horbati, or Hrovati (meaning people who live in the hills) from which the name Hrvati (Croats on Serbian) was coined." ⬇️
75) Franciscus-Maria Appendini in his book "De præstantia et vetustate linguæ Illyricæ" wrote:

"Moreover, the Scythians and the Sarmatians are one nation, and they must be of the same origin as Thracians, Macedonians, Illyrians, Mizans (or Mezi), Dacians and Getae." ⬇️
76) In order to characterize us as savages, the Nordic school persistently placed a story about the late literacy of the #Slavs. Allegedly, the literacy of the Slavs ( #Serbs) began in the middle of the 9th century and that mission was initiated by 2 brothers Cyril & Methodius. ⬇️
77) The fact that Serbian history is falsified says fact that modern history tells us that Cyril and Methodius are credited with devising the Glagolitic alphabet and learned #Slavs to write and read.

How can you than explain Serbian Cyrillic alphabet used 3 centuries ⬇️
78) before Cyril and Methodius???

Serbian Cyrillic inscription "SEPTEMBER" (September, month) on the church in Syria (Qasr Ibn Wardan) was erected by the Roman emperor Justinian in the 6th century, 3 centuries before Cyril and Methodius were even mentioned. ⬇️
79) When talking about Roman emperor Justinian, it's important to menton that he was a Slav. This is why he knew Serbian Cyrillic Alphabet.

His birthplace was, and still is, a Slavic village near Skopje and his Latin name is a translation of his Slavic name meaning "Upravda". ⬇️
80) In the town of Sirbin, as Strabon says it was called before Greeks renamed it Xantos, a Serbian law code from the 8th century BC was found carved on a large stone.

The Code is engraved in the Serbian script #Srbica, therefore, #Serbs can read it without much effort. ⬇️
81) Bartholomäus Kopitar also confirmed that Glagolita script (modified #Srbica) from 9th century has been Serbian and that it has been in use by all Slavs before arrival of Cyril and Methodius. ⬇️
82) In his book entitled "Grammatica della lingua Illirica" ​​from 1808, Franciscus-Maria Appendini also stated that "The Illyrian language is considered the ancestor of all European languages." ⬇️
83) In a book "Catalogus impressorum librorum bibliothecae" (e Theatro Sheldoniano, 1674) it is written:

"Christian doctrine with prayers, psalms and litanies and spiritual thoughts in Serbian or Illyrian." ⬇️
84) This book from the #Vatican Library also confirms my previous writings, mentioning that St. Jerome is the inventor of the Illyrian alphabet better known as the #Glagolitic alphabet, which is actually the Serbian alphabet. ⬇️
85) The same book from #Vatican Library confirmed to us that Illyrian alphabet is actually Serbian cyrillic alphabet which can be seen as well on the right page where cyrillic letters are shown ⬇️
86) In the same book it is stated:

- The Illyrian language is language from #Slavs

- Illyrian language and the Illyrian alphabet are used by all Slavs ( #Serbs, Lusatian, Croats, Dalmatians etc.)

- Cyril (Cyril and Methodius) is a Serb ⬇️
87) In 1971. Nordic school stopped calling #Serbs Illyrians, as the Pope Illyrian Institute of St. Jerome (Jeronim who was a Christian Serb from Dalmatia) in Rome was renamed Croatian, even Tito himself allowed the Illyrian name to be abolished, which proves how marginalized ⬇️
88) Illyrianism and the Illyrians as the most important factor in the ethnogenesis of the South Slavs, by the people who were educated according to the principles and concepts of German imperialist historiography.

The fact that the Institute of St. Jerome in Rome was called ⬇️
89) Illyrian until 1971, while Serbs/ South Slavs were marked Illyrians, proves that our age-old enemy is also #Vatican, as I already mentioned this in some of my previous threads.

Vatican still hides in their archives all documents that proves #Serbs are Illyrian origins. ⬇️
90) The name Illyrians was synonymous for Serbs until the 20th century.

At the Vienna Court, the Serbian office, until the First World War, was officially called the Illyrian.

During the 20 centuries, #Serbs and foreigners knew that the Illyrians were Serbs, but then the ⬇️
91) "educated" Germans and Austrians told us that this was not the case, because the Illyrians were Shqipetari-Arbanasi (Shiptars-Albanians), after Austrians created "Albanian nation" and alphabet for them... ⬇️
92) I can easily prove this is a lie.🤷🏼‍♀️

If you look into old documents from Austria-Hungary monarchy, you will realize that until 19th century Austrians used to call Serbs "Illyro-Serben" that also reflected on their maps.

Subgroup of Illyrian-Serbs were Croats and Slovenes. ⬇️
93) Croats and Slovenes were not separate nation but #Serbs.

The reason why Bosniaks are not even mentioned on this list is because Bosnian as a separate nation did not exist until annexation of Bosnia by Austria-Hungary.

Bosniaks were Serbs too, not a separate nation. ⬇️
94) But who are actually Albanians?

The people, whom we #Serbs call Arbanasi and foreigners Albanians, and they call themselves Shqipetar, occupied after New Epirus, Pomorje and Donja Zeta with Shkodra, the heart of medieval Serbian province - #Kosovo and Metohija. ⬇️
95) We have two different and opposing theories of Arbanasi, their origin and historical role.

The first theory was in force from the 11th century until the Berlin Congress in 1878, and the second from this date onwards.

According to the first theory, the Arbanasis are ⬇️
96) are a Caucasian people who came to Balkans in the middle of the 11th century.

According to another theory, the Arbanasis are natives of #Kosovo and descendants of the Illyrians, while the #Serbs are an unknown barbarian people who immigrated to Balkans in the 7th century. ⬇️
97) The 2nd theory was imposed after the Berlin Congress by the Vienna-Berlin school (Nordic school), but the funny thing is that even Albanian historians don't believe in it.

There has not been a single new discovery in the field of archeology, history, linguistics or ⬇️
98) ethnography, which could serve as a reason for setting this modern theory.

On the contrary, everyone knew that they originate from Caucasus, from Caucasian Albania.

It was a mountainous country that stretched partly in present-day Azerbaijan and partly in Dagestan. ⬇️
99) "There is another Albania (modern Dagestan) in the Caucasus, and some writers believe that its inhabitants are the same people as their namesakes in Turkey. It is certain that there is a great similarity between Toskers from Albania and the Circassians from the Caucasus." ⬇️
100) These unlettered tribes, first brought by Arabs fight the Romans in Sicily, and second time brought by Turks to the Balkans as their slaves, are today called Illyrians by Germans and Austrians in order to give them the moral right to claim #Kosovo as their ethnic land. ⬇️
101) When talking about medieval Albania in #Europe, on the map from George Franklin (1883) called "Turkey in Europe, Greece, Romania, Servia and Montenegro" we have several toponyms from Serbian language - Klisura, Gorica, Struga, Island Vodena and Zagora. ⬇️
102) As you can see, the fact that Albanian tribes arrived in #Kosovo along with Turks is proven by numerous writen historical evidence and ancient maps.

Since they arrived to Balkans, there were many studies confirming that these people have nothing to do with Illyrians.
103) Journal "Popular Science" from 1903. confirmed that Albanians fought on the side of Turks.

Shortly prior the end of war, just after Ottomans were defeated by Balkan League, they turned back to Turks because they could clearly see that Ottomans are loosing the battle. ⬇️
104) Modern falsified history also teaches you that the Serbs lost the Battle of #Kosovo against the Turks in 1389, which is one more notorious lie.

The fact that the Serbs defeated Ottomans is also confirmed by France.

A French castle with a huge tapestry dedicated to the ⬇️
105) #Serbs who fough in the #Kosovo battle.

This work of art is a reflection of the deep psychological and cultural ties between #Serbia and #Europe, since the French Royal House ordered a fabulously expensive tapestry with a Serbian motifs, while the curator of the castle ⬇️
106) said that the Battle of #Kosovo was the most important battle in #Europe in the medieval times.

One more proof of Serbian victory over Ottoman Empire in Kosovo battle are numerous illustrations showcasing #Serbs as heroic nation. ⬇️
107) In the book "Kingdom of Slavs" from Mavro Orbini, we can clearly see the illystration of Slav from Germany (Lusatian Sorbs) and Slav from Illyria.

There was no words about Albanians with Illyrian origin. ⬇️
108) Robert Elsie, Albanologist from Canada, explained the roots of one Albanian tribe whose father was Arab Sheikh Jabal al Alhami. ⬇️
109) Enjoy looking at the older paintings of the Albanian folk costumes of the newly proclaimed Illyrians-Pelasgians from the collection of paintings of the world famous albanologist Robert Elsie from Canada. 😂 ⬇️
110) On these pictures you can actually see that these intruders who claim they are Illyrian-Pelasgians origin who "lived" next to the sea in the Balkans actually look like Turks and Arabs who are properly dressed against the heat. 😂 ⬇️
111) But this is definetely my favorite picture. 😂

Here we got an attempt by the naked Albanians (self-proclamed Illyrians) to cross the river with the help of this inflated bag or whatever this is...

P.S. Illyrians are well known for being excellent sailors. 🤣 ⬇️
112) Albert Pike, as one of the most famous and notorious Freemasons ever in the role of promoting a historical untruth and falsification about the Albanian autochthony, was also a promoter of forgeries about the Illyrian origin of the Shiptars (Albanians).

Ridicilous... ⬇️
113) Besides only one book about Albanian-Illyrian language (written by Albanian 😂), there's no other evidence .

On the contrary, all historical books are only talking about Serbian-Illyrian and Slav-Illyrian language and script. 🤷🏼‍♀️⬇️
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