The reason why I can't take any of the Centrist criticisms by Leftists seriously is that they are pushing the same lazy and tired retorts Christians give to atheists when they feel their religion is constantly under attack instead of other religions.
'Your atheism is not valid because you don't criticize Islam as much as you criticize Christianity'

'You don't criticize conservatism as much as liberalism hence your centrism is not valid'
The fact here is that the constant criticism from people who don't identify as conservatives makes them uncomfortable.
I doubt if they are even able to identify people that they consider truly Centrist because deep down, they do not believe that it's possible to simply see ideologies for what they are and consider every angle.
They do not believe that Centrism is valid, hence they think that centrism is analogous to cowardice.

'How dare you not participate in our righteous anger'
'You think you are better than us because you do not identify as anything'
Yes, I'm comfortable in the middle because being there enables me to constantly and continuously evaluate what I consider to be true.

I consider the pursuit of truth to be the most important thing regardless of its source.
Which stops me from lazily accepting everything that comes my way simply because my political/social ideology expects me to align with it.
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