My college @BHASVIC had 15 positive Covid cases in 4 days this week. Here's what we learnt: @tes @RosieDBennett @AoCDavidH @SFCA_info @RealGeoffBarton @educationgovuk @RichardAtkins2 THREAD 1/13
Be prepared. Have a system before that first call. Follow a flowchart. Pre-allocate tasks (contact PHE, home, registers, seating plans, quarantining). Pre-write all comms; letters to staff, students, parents; press release; website. You don't want to do this under pressure! 2/13
Gather as much intel from the +ve student as you can. Log it on a spreadsheet. When did symptoms start? When did they isolate? Last attendance date? Most important: Where do you think you got it? (Answer to ALL: AT AN 18th BIRTHDAY PARTY). A relief to hear this. 3/13
Share your intel with @PHE_uk, LA @BrightonHoveCC and local schools/colleges. Both PHE/LA have been fantastic. I never had to wait more than 20 mins for @PHE_uk to call back. You end up working with the same people – in the end I had their mobile numbers. We spoke a LOT. 4/13
When cases come thick and fast (4 one day, 5 the next...) it can feel overwhelming. Stomach sickening anxiety! Remember all the ground work your risk assessments and mitigation measures are already providing. SMT have been epic and use your Chair as a sounding board. 5/13
Have seating registers/plans. It has reduced those needing to quarantine by 75%. Isolating students has been a full-time job. Have a plan in place for this so others can follow the system easily. Ensure staff stay 2m away - they won't need isolating (including myself!) 6/13
What is plan A, B, C if this keeps coming? What additional mitigation have you got in the locker? Talk these through with PHE. We went hard on distancing and coverings, but had more drastic measures to turn to - but these would've had an impact on learning in 1st week back 7/13
Comms: You can't update everyone in real time (we stopped this after the second case). Staff – once a day. Students, parents – once/every other day. Give @NEUnion and @UNISONtheUnion reps a heads-up. All comms were entirely transparent. Reinforce preventative measures. 8/13
Staff: I knew they were wonderful. This week they have been brave, calm and utterly professional. Everyone stepped up. Take the temperature, listen to feedback and respond visibly. 9/13
Parents: Are sympathetic, supportive and helpful. Mobilise this Army to help get your key messages across to students 'Maintain distance and if you can't wear a face covering when on site' 10/13
Students: Were compliant, understood the need to change their behaviours, and largely unfazed. They are happy to be back and don't want to be back learning in their bedrooms again. 'Keep BHASVIC open' has been the mantra 11/13
The additional staffing (Covid Marshalls in previously unmanaged spaces, cost of sanitisers and cleaning) is likely to be £100k this year. @ESFAgov are providing no additional money to cover these costs. @GavinWilliamson please re-think this. 12/13
It's been brilliant to see the college 'full' again (albeit at 2/3rds capacity) Reassuring to know there has been no evidence of transmission onsite. PHE said it should tail off because of the single source and it has. Keep BHASVIC open, stop partying and maintain distance! 13/13
You can follow @bhasvicteaching.
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