It is baffling to me that people think that RBG should’ve retired a decade ago when she was 76 years old and that her not doing so was somehow arrogant or egotistical.

Do you honestly think it was ego that kept her on the bench? Listen to yourselves. You sound ridiculous.
Sotomayor and Kagan became justices in 2009 and 2010. Why in the fuck would Ginsburg retire in 2010? When she was the only woman who could guide these new justices who were new to the liberal wing? HER wing? It doesn’t even make sense.
It wasn’t fucking ego you dingbats.
Oh and by the way – make sure you keep that same energy for Stephen Breyer. Because none of y’all ever talk about Stephen Breyer.

You’re just out here blaming a woman for white man’s bullshit. For white men’s abject corruption.

Shame on you.
I am going to die on this hill until someone goes through all of the key opinions between 2009 and 2020 and tell me how a centrist judge— because that’s likely what we would have gotten as a replacement—would’ve ruled.

Until then, I’m done with people’s baseless speculation
Yeah I’m gonna drop this here because a lot of y’all don’t seem to get it. Unfortunately, the thread starts with screenshots from some ding dong dirtbag leftist, but the point remains.
Gonna go ahead and leave this here too with the same caveat.
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