RBG Q PROOF (thread)

Remember 4686? Looks like Q hinted that #RBG may have been dead for longer than is being reported by fake news.

“Equal justice under the law” >>> words on SCOTUS building

“Track & follow events” “Sept. 14-18” >>> [DISCLOSURE] of [JUSTICE] Ginsberg’s death
If you’ve been to the SCOTUS building, you’ve seen these words, which Q references.
Bracketed words [JUSTICE] and [DISCLOSURE] seem to refer to the disclosure of Justice Ginsburg’s death, which was reported on 9/18. Q told us to pay attention to events from 9/14-9/18.
SCOTUS hasn’t been meeting in person since March. They’re doing everything by telephone. No images available to public.

RBG was allegedly last seen in August, officiating at a family friend’s wedding. We have one photograph of that.
Photograph looks odd. Error level analysis suggests this image was modified digitally. Image of RBG here does look odd—out of place. Also, I haven’t been able to find a single other photo of her at this wedding. 🤔
POTUS seemed to not be too surprised when he heard about RBG’s passing. His response makes it seem like he knew this was on its way but didn’t know exactly when it would be published. https://twitter.com/jackposobiec/status/1307129293366079488
I’m not suggesting she was murdered or anything nefarious. I’m suggesting [DS]/Dems may have been strategically sitting on this information to use it to incite the leftists to continue and intensify the rioting when POTUS and GOP Senate try to appoint a new [JUSTICE] before Nov 3
Continuing to hold the US hostage, the Left is threatening more violence if a new [JUSTICE] is appointed before the election. https://twitter.com/SeanPhillipHall/status/1307196142870917120
[DISCLOSURE] of this info now also gives DS/Dems enough time to make SCOTUS a bigger issue in order to bolster their chances of winning in Nov BUT may not be enough time for the GOP to squeeze in the appointment of a new [JUSTICE], assuming they can get enough votes.
If RBG died in 2019, it may have been uncontroversial for Pres. Trump to appoint a new [JUSTICE], but, because this was disclosed now, Dems might be trying to make the GOP look bad by forcing them to break the informal rule they used when not voting on Merrick Garland in ‘16.
The GOP basically said that the next POTUS should get to appoint a justice to the vacancy created by Scalia’s death because it happened during an election year and Obama was on his way out. Because the GOP had control of the Senate, Garland never became a Justice (thankfully).
SCOTUS may decide this election if anything funny happens with mail-in voting or something else. Right now, there are 3 liberals, 4 conservatives, and 1 Roberts. Given that Roberts seems to side with the liberals when they need him, the RBG vacancy may be crucial to the election.
Fortunately, it appears the Q team is steps ahead of the [DS]. Trust the plan! #WWG1WGA
Post 4730 was a clock pointing to 10:10.

At 10:10 today (9/19/2020), POTUS tweeted to encourage GOP to move fwd w appointing a new SCOTUS justice.

10-10 is also code for fight in progress. https://twitter.com/whytrustthemsm/status/1307333380741226498
There are two other posts about RBG: 2653 and 3195.

Post 2653 brackets [RBG] and was dropped on 1/6/2019. Says clock is ticking.
Post 3195 brackets [19:56] and asks about RBG health, implying something is wrong that necessitates her being out of the public eye.

[19:56] = 7:56 pm

7:56 on the Kew clock points to 1/6/2019 (date of post 2653) and 9/18/2020 (date RBG death disclosed)!

Of course, there were also doggo comms weeks ago. https://twitter.com/pepematter/status/1307113817139273729
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