Challenge for myself🤩🎶👇🏼
Day 2's funfact:
I've been distracted by Sungjin while I think a lot of today's song. Tbh idk what to choose but here we go, one of my favorite.
Day 3:
Waktu itu ga bisa berenti ngakak karena lagu ini. Dan lagu lagu project pop lain sebenernya punya kenangan sendiri saat ketawa sama temen temen lain.
Day 5:
Not really sure does it have different meaning everytime I hear this. I just thought of various moments with different people too.
Day 6:
Even if this song released in 80s or 90s, it might always relate to me from the day I was born till now.
Sorry it aint Day6 song as I planned before haha
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