I'mma need older women to stop catching feelings that older men r dating18-23 yr olds,stop having 10k narratives of how these rlshps r predatory,as long as the 18-23 has a strong support system of parents/guardians who will guide,teach,advice,inform of the dynamics of older, https://twitter.com/XivTroy/status/1306825357341974530
Younger rlshps,how to carry herself,what to denote to know whether the rlshp is healthy or unhealthy,the rlshps will b okay.
It's abit disheartening that older women r writing n catching feelings of rejection jealousy,competition over older men's choices.release,divest,from
men in such a way that if a rlshps works fine,if it doesn't,move on,if they are not hitting on you,fine. you've got one life,unlearn the obsession to be invalidated n validated by men's choices. An over 30yr old woman can't be that worried over a man's choices over her safety
job, đź’°, retirement plans.
What's sick is men will pick the 18-23 yrs old,shit n try to make older women feel bad that they didn't choose them coz this women didn't when they were young,full of mileage ,smv manenos.
why women at whatever age need to thrive,because the odds are
against you.
If one is happy n joyous of their choices they wouldn't be ugly to other.
older women don't go back to men you've rejected,if you didn't want him when you were young ,you won't want him when you are old.please hav other options than romantic rlshps in your lives.
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