The past few weeks has left me questioning the decency of society a bit.

I think we've lost sight of the fundamental reasons of why things are the way they are.

And the video of the drink being thrown at Varadkar is symptomatic of it all. Here's why: (1)
It's become okay to abuse public servants as if they're heartless. They're people too.

Despite what many think, they probably have their own sh*t to deal with too (just like you & I), along with trying to manage a pandemic.That's not easy.

"Be kind" has gone out the window.(2)
Regardless of what you think, most public servants have decent intentions.

The government & NPHET are not purposely trying to "destroy the mental health of the country" or "ruin the economy and small businesses".

They're trying to work off first principles and save lives. (3)
Lives of people who most of us have our fondest memories with. Just because someone is older doesn't mean their life is less valuable.

Unfortunately every decision made is suffering from the law of unintended consequences. It's frustrating. But, the key word is unintended. (4)
The general "so you're telling me I can do X, but I can't do Y, what a joke" commentary helps absolutely no one.

All it does is piss people off and take decisions out of context.

Ultimately leading to people disregarding the public health guidelines.(5)
We're all making sacrifices. But go back to first principles. We're simply trying to minimize the number of lives lost. You can't fault that as a foundation for decisions, regardless of the consequences.

Yes it's hard but no one is trying to screw you.(6)
If we go the other way and just let Covid do as it wants then that's fine.

But you have to be willing to accept that it's our parents and our grandparents that become the collateral damage. And that's been forgotten. It's easy to criticise until it's your loved one. (7)
NPHET are not trying to make your life sh*t. They're trying to help. In all likelihood they're trying to look after your ma,your da or whoever it is you fight with on Christmas day.

Just be sound to each other and not make all this any more difficult than it needs to be.

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