this clarification in the official translation is important. bakugo can see both sides of the same coin; endeavor’s mistakes, & like AM said, how he is changing to fix them.

it must not feel good to know the path he could have walked, but bakugo is now looking at the future.
bakugo was at the joint internship to observe endeavor. he was already thinking of his own atonement, based on what he said back in chapter 126:
but was wondering how it could play out, & seeing endeavor’s example was probably really helpful for him to visualize what his own atonement could look like. endeavor was a cautionary tale for bakugo, but is now also a way for him to visualize his own, DIFFERENT future.
the uncomfortable truth of the path he could have walked, vs what he’s going to do to not walk that same path. this comparison, in the way AM means it, is rly beautiful.

endeavor and bakugo are different. bakugo has his whole future ahead of him, while sadly, endeavor doesn’t.
AM saw the dangerous path bakugo was going down; and wanted him to see someone who made huge mistakes because of that prideful mindset and is now suffering consequences. the point of the comparison is to make bakugo uncomfortable enough to want to change before it’s too late.
overall, hori’s intention w this comparison is NOT to equate the mistakes of bakugo and endeavor. it’s the opposite, really; it’s to show that they are both changing, both had a dangerous mindset, but 1 of them still has a chance to correct it BEFORE permanent damage is done.
end of thread. i think.
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