It appears my brother and I are a united front if our dad chooses to vote for Trump this time around. No contact.

It is heartbreaking, but we cannot sit by and watch the man of principles who taught us empathy and love vote for a man who is downright despicable.
We both sent him texts/emails tonight informing him of this consequence. It feels like a big step - because it is - and it's heartbreaking.

I love my dad. He's a good dad and I owe much of who I am to him.

And I cannot stand by while he throws away his grandkids' futures.
I know many will critique this as throwing away a relationship because of politics, but the reality of it is: I'm a lesbian whose life is at stake under an autocratic regime. It's not about partisan politics, it's about him deciding his own child's life isn't worth protecting.
to be clear: I do not have children! The grandkids references here are my nieces, one of whom turns 10 next month.
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