Ready To Grow?

Let me show you a path.

Get ready for some value.

A Thread By: @TheLivingLogos
Part One: Foundations

You need to know who you are.

How are you supposed to take control of your destiny if you have no idea what legacy you desire to build?

So, how do you do that?

Principles and Heroes.

We'll start with principles.
How do you develop -or discover- what your principles are?

Truth is, that's a forever endeavor, but I'll give you a quick tool to help you build a list you can begin to build upon.

Draw a line down the middle if a sheet of paper and label the left side YES, the right side NO.
On the YES side, write down 5 things that increase your self-respect.

Examples: Tell the truth, work hard, have respect, etc...

On the NO side, write down 5 things that decrease your self-respect.

Examples: Steal, watch porn, make excuses, etc...
The next step is to turn those 10 things into affirmative statements; it is more important to shape your direction by what you WILL DO than by what you WILL NOT, creation is born in the affirmative.


I will speak only truth.

I will take responsibility for my life.
These are more effective than:

I will not lie.

I will not make excuses.

Do this for all ten, then rewrite them as many times as it takes until you sense that they are the true language of your essence.

This is a priceless tool for you moving forward.

Because when you face confusion, or difficult choices, you can measure them against the rules you have committed to living by.

This provides direction and clarity, gifts beyond measure for those seeking meaningful life.

Bonus: Rank your principles by order of importance.
Let's move on to heroes.

As a forewarning, this part will likely seem pretty weird to most of you.

Now then...

As a starting point, pick two of the principles on your newly minted list that you struggle to adhere to the most.

Got them in mind?
Now, I want you to wrack your soul for exemplars of the principles in question.

Who, when you ponder upon the matter, best personifies the epitome of the principle?

Here's where things get interesting...

The next step is gonna make you uncomfortable.
You're going to have a Q & A with your heroes.

On paper.



Look, you have a construct in your mind of this person; the only reality you have is the one that lives within you.

Your hero only exists, at least in regards to you, within the frame of your mentality.
Their voice, meaning, importance...

Everything they mean to you is internal. Your internal landscape is certainly influenced by the external, but your world exists within you.


Time to have a conversation with your constructed hero about the principle they represent.
On paper (handwriting is important, maybe I'll explain why later), you're going to write down the struggles you face in keeping true to your principle, then ask your hero for help and advice.

How do I stay the course?

What am I missing?

What can I do to improve?

Then you're going to write down the answers they provide.

Are these answers already within you?



Even though you know it's you,

Even though you're aware it's weird,

Even though it seems so farfetched,

Here's the thing:
Creating distance between you, author of your problems, and your hero, architect of your solutions, tricks your mind into believing that an expert -THE EXPERT- is carving out the path to your success.

It'sa placebo effect taking advantage of the appeal to authority fallacy.
Look Deeper: Psychological short-circuits don't HAVE to work against you, especially when you acknowledge they exist and understand how they work.

Think about that for awhile, yeah?
You're gonna be amazed at the advice you offer yourself...excuse me, that your hero offers you.

You're also going to realize that you can call upon that heroic persona in real time.

The more you practice, the greater your capacity.

As ever.
Word of Caution: Seek advice, don't surrender your will.

Demons prey upon the vulnerable.

If you do these 2 things, you'll be so far ahead of the pack (read flock) that people will wonder what the hell changed within you to cause such a radical shift in your bearing and perspective.

But as with all things in life, there are layers to this shit.

This was just Part 1.
You can follow @TheLivingLogos.
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