Making a Tachikoma atm
Since my internet is too weird to stream, I'll make a thread on my build as I do it.
Got the base legs down. Looks a little weird atm but it should take better shape once the head and arms are done.
Lowered the base and now it's taking shape.
Now I'm just trying to figure out the sizing ratios.
Detailing the top a bit.
The head it coming along nicely. Going to work on the arms next.
Added the arms
started the back/cockpit

going to make 2 versions, open and closed for future edits.
staring on the interior.
The goal is to just carve it out.
If it doesn't work then I can bs something in PS
After working for hours, getting kinda lazy. So I'll consider this build done until I plan to upgrade it. Have a version of the cockpit that's open so cosplayers can be edited inside as well.

Now to texture.
And textured :D
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