Okay, I've gathered my thoughts and I actually have something important about justifiable fears of Mitch McConnell being the rat bastard we know him as.

There are several Senate Republicans who are in SERIOUS trouble in their reelection bids currently. This could change A LOT.
Susan Collins (R-ME) is basically boned. A recent poll put her *12%* behind her D challenger.
Martha McSally (R-AZ) is basically boned. The RCP average puts her D challenger ahead by 6.7%.
Thom Tillis (R-NC) is behind his D challenger by 3.6% according to the RCP average.
Cory Gardner (R-CO) is getting out-polled by JOHN HICKENLOOPER. Yes, THAT John Hickenlooper.
Joni Ernst (R-IA) is statistically tied with her D challenger.
Lindsey Graham (R-SC), that sniveling slimy bastard, was TIED in a recent poll with his D challenger.

This stuff matters.
Even in MONTANA, Gov. Steve Bullock (D) is only behind incumbent Steve Daines (R) by ~2%.
You will not believe how many seemingly unwinnable races are in play right now.
Republicans have no loyalty to Trump. Every single one of those slimeballs will jump ship to save themselves.
I need a source on this, but...this would be pretty huge if it's true. This is what I'm talking about.

Republicans who AREN'T EVEN UP FOR REELECTION YET are thinking about their reelection bids. Ruth Bader Ginsburg passing is not the end by a long shot. https://twitter.com/DrGJackBrown/status/1307119743481114625
Seeing this now as well, with Mitt Romney replaced with LINDSEY GRAHAM.

I don't believe for a second that Collins and Murkowski will hold to their word, but keep in mind that Collins is in HUGE trouble in her reelection right now. https://twitter.com/AnaCabrera/status/1307123819463749640
Here's Lindsey Graham in 2016 saying to "use [his] words against [him]". He is tied with his Dem challenger right now in his reelection bid. It's either count on Trump voters to turn out for you, or count on undecided voters to turn out for you. https://twitter.com/RiegerReport/status/1307119416442789894
Joni Ernst (R-IA) is throwing her hat in with Trump. https://twitter.com/IAStartingLine/status/1307111765742845960
Cory Gardner, like Lindsey Graham, was also on the record in 2016 of saying we should wait until after the election.

Again, DO NOT expect any of them to keep to their word. But these are things that vulnerable Republicans will need to grapple with. https://twitter.com/alex_burness/status/1307114694516375552
Here's what Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) said *earlier today* about a *hypothetical* SCOTUS vacancy, before RBG's death was made public.

Again, take this with a grain of salt. Murkowski has proven in the past she has no spine. https://twitter.com/AKpublicnews/status/1307121451145875460
Chuck Grassley (R-IA) has said *in the past* that he would not consider a new SCOTUS appointee until after Inauguration Day, but nothing from him yet since RBG's passing tonight other than a sincere statement about her passing. https://twitter.com/GrassleyPress/status/1307129776172396546
Possibly unrelated, but: goddamn, Ed Markey is such a /Chad/. https://twitter.com/EdMarkey/status/1307122232850870274
Thom Tillis (R-NC) in 2016 after Antonin Scalia's passing. Because of course. https://twitter.com/JoeBrunoWSOC9/status/1307134524627836929
Update from Thom Tillis (R-NC) today, in 2020, not 24 hours after Ruth Bader Ginsburg's passing. Because of course. Because obviously. Despite being in serious danger in his reelection bid, he is betting it all on Team Trump. https://twitter.com/samstein/status/1307328120815484930
Susan Collins (R-ME) very cautiously committed to *absolutely nothing whatsoever*.
She "would have no objection to" the nominee's credentials being reviewed, but she "[does] not believe that the Senate should vote on the nominee prior to the election." 🤢 https://twitter.com/SenatorCollins/status/1307412600397987842
In an article published literally just minutes ago, Cory Gardner (R-CO) declines to say when RBG's SCOTUS seat should be filled, completely dodging the question when confronted with his 2016 words about Obama filling Antonin Scalia's seat. https://twitter.com/JustinWingerter/status/1307419707696467969
I'm going to keep updating this thread whenever I discover updated statements from Senate Republicans re: filling RBG's seat. I want to provide a resource for people who are rightfully worried. I won't be spending my entire day doomscrolling lol, but still, I'll keep checking.
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