1. I was confused why a globalist company like @netflix would show #TheSocialDilemma when it outs the psychological warfare companies like that are using against us, but then I saw people deleting their social media accounts & I realized, that’s exactly what they want us to do...
2. So people can’t share what’s really going on & many will be reduced to receiving their information from #MainstreamMedia, who is funded by the globalists. So now, these people will be more taken in by the psychological warfare we are under & will move farther away from truth.
3. And that’s how psychopaths work-they give you a few “truths” sprinkled in w/ lies to gain your trust. Many of you think Netflix has integrity for running that show...oh dear God, no. That was intentionally done to get people to delete their accounts so they’d depend on #MSM.
4. You can still use social media, it’s here at this time on the planet for a GOOD reason too and it can be used in safe, productive ways, you just have to know the tactics of your enemy & plan accordingly. Be healthy and make it your intention that it be used for good.
You can follow @AliBeckZeck.
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