1/3 The ongoing increase in #COVID19 daily case counts in #Canada indicates accelerated epidemic growth. Now is the time for each of us to redouble our efforts to slow the spread of the virus. Increase your #COVIDKnowHow https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/news/2020/07/information-and-resources-on-covid-19-epidemiology-and-reducing-your-risks-for-infection-and-spreading-the-virus.html
2/3 All Canadians need to #BePartoftheSolution: keep your number of contacts low and consistently follow proven effective measures to slow the spread: maintain #PhysicalDistancing, #handwashing and #MaskOn, as appropriate.
3/3 We’ve come too far and lost too much to give up now – let’s reconfirm our commitment to work #TogetherApart and redouble our efforts to knock #COVID19 daily case counts back down to the #SlowBurn. #BePartoftheSolution
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