classtime, #NUcults! I'll keep an eye out for your AMA questions, but your Medium responses include a lot of

what do I call these groups if I can't call them cults

what if these groups really ARE dangerous

so I'ma tweet about that today
so I went into Great Detail about why "cults" is a problem for the podcast y'all listened to last week

and a number of you were like



which is a bigger question that I think a lot of you realized


a of all: Jonestown wasn't a cult
it wasn't even a group
it was a PLACE

where a group of people (Peoples Temple), many of them Black women, worked themselves to exhaustion trying to create a better, more just world

here's what Jonestown was:
here's what you (think you) know about Jonestown

here's how your parents probably think of Jonestown

but this isn't a thread about Jonestown or Peoples Temple

it's about why the word "cult" matters

I'm not telling you not to use it bc it's not polite

I'm telling you not to use it because words DO things, and cult DOES the wrong thing when we think about religion

it MATTERS that when you hear "cult" you think

* pile of bodies
* brainwashing
* charismatic leader
* (some? all?) religion is dangerous

it matters that "cult" makes you go like "ooh, if I click this headline I'm going to read some weird shit about freaky sex, manipulative assholes, and people too dumb to know they're being taken advantage of"

(yes I DID pause to make this image just for y'all)

Wessinger: "'cult' can also be seen to imply that it is only in small, unconventional religious groups that believers commit hurtful and illegal actions; socially dominant religious groups are somehow let off the hook, as if their members never transgress in this way"

#NUcults *super* short version?

"cult" is a misdirect

it's smuggling in all sorts of assumptions about religions

it's three sexist, classist, white supremacist toddlers in a trench coat
#NUcults - we read @IjeomaOluo for today, so you know racism and white supremacy aren't just about intentions

looking at minoritized religions and calling them cults has a long, white supremacist history in the US

we're covering some of that history this semester
for today, though, let's get our definitions straight

whether you mean it to or not, "cult" (especially in what's now the US) makes people think

* dangerous
* pervy
* controlling + greedy + manipulative leaders
* stupid or trapped members

"cult" smuggles in the idea that "real" religions are inherently good

and--as we've already discussed quite a bit--Americans' ideas of "real" religions just so happen to resemble white mainstream Christianity

you know I have so many readings on this for y'all, #NUcults

but basically, "real/good" American religion is:

- private
- individual
- belief-based
- civil
- reserved
- text-based
- limited to certain times/locations
- pro-United States

you know, like this fellow:
all of those things are sound a lot like white supremacy (as @tylergabriel_ observed in @BucarLiz's Reporting Religion class)

and that is because they ARE components of white supremacy, #NUcults
religions in America that are

- community-focused
- ecstatic / enthusiastic
- practice-oriented
- uncivil / impolite
- experience, orality, and revelation-based
- not bounded by time/location
- critical of American imperialism

those are the ones that get called... #NUcults
it just so happens that a lot of folks who join these groups are

- not white
- not men
- not wealthy
- not straight (OR just not doing sex in "normal" ways)
- not traditionally Christian

when I say "cult" is racist, sexist, classist, etc?
this is what i mean

so what do you say if you can't say "cult," #NUcults?

there's an easy (less good) answer
and a harder-but-better answer

(which is basically school in a nutshell, sorry)
but imo NRMs doesn't actually get at the real issues here

for example: scholars still talk about the Shakers (founded 1770) as an NRM

we do NOT talk about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (founded 1830) as an NRM

so I ask you, #NUcults
so yeah, NRMs is never going to be it for me

bc this isn't about who's the new kid on the block

it's about power

it's about who is protected and who is made a legitimate target of state violence


if "cult" is a dang problem (and it is)

and NRM doesn't really get the job done (and it doesn't)

then what DO you call these groups?

here's the harder and (I think) better move:

think about what questions you're trying to answer when you're asking about these groups

I look at "American minority religions," for example

because I'm interested in the overlaps b/w how we treat a marginalized but not new group, like Islam, and how we treat a marginalized new group, like FLDS

my central question was about abuse, how abuse happens in minoritized religious communities, and how we respond differently to abuse in those communities than to abuse that happens elsewhere

and the conclusion I came to is: religion doesn't cause abuse

so the central question of the semester

"is religion dangerous?"

is a trick question

bc no, religion isn't dangerous

PEOPLE are dangerous

and people use religion to DO dangerous things

but that's just one way of looking at this!

#NUcults is reading a lot of @JLWeisenfeld this semester, too

_New World_ uses "religio-racial identity" to think more carefully about how religion and race, especially US Blackness, make space to reimagine history & belonging
I didn't make y'all read JZ Smith's "religion, religions, religious," but that's the punchline

and to adapt for our purposes: there isn't one good word for these groups

there are infinity ways of describing them, bc there are infinity ways of doing religion

we're going to spend the rest of the semester unpacking these issues, but this should be enough to get us started

thanks for hanging in, #NUcults, and feel free to AMA #onhere, Medium, or in the chat!
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