"If people's basic needs were met through socialism, nobody would ever choose to work!"

Kid, there's people who saved up their entire lives to retire, and never have to work again

Who then choose to spend their retirement doing unpaid menial labor for the public library
People generally WANT to work, to be productive, to feel accomplished from Doing Stuff

They just want to get to do work they choose to do willingly, for reasonable amounts of time, without the threat of starvation looming over them if you miss a day
I'm not even saying that for every single thing that needs to get done there will be a volunteer who steps up to do it for free... But we can figure out better systems to make sure the thing gets done rather than "a few people do the miserable thing 40 hours a week for pennies"
Like, if nobody wants to be The Janitor, then the people who use that building can take on cleaning chores. You know, like a house. Honestly would have been nice to have the variety of cleaning a toilet sometimes when I was in data entry work.
If there aren't enough people who volunteer to be Garbagemen All Day Every Day then maybe everyone in neighborhood gets a rotating turn taking a shift every so often.

Because we want our neighborhoods to not be full of garbage, we would do it, not because of starvation threats
Anyway there's tons of really good stuff being said in the replies it's pretty cool up scroll through y'all are smart
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