THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT: Matt Hancock told me on @talkRADIO that the False Positive Rate of Covid tests in the community is "under 1%". Sounds good, doesn't it? WRONG!
An FPR of 0.8% when the virus prevalence is so low means that at least 91% of "Covid cases" are FALSE POSITIVES.
This FPR means that thousands of the people testing positive for coronavirus in the community are NOT in fact currently infected with Covid and they CANNOT infect others with the virus. That's why the "rising Covid cases" is not translating into mass deaths. 2/
Oxford Uni Prof @carlheneghan has already shown that, even an FPR as low as 0.1% in community testing returns *over 55% false positives*.

The Government is planning to lockdown our country again when there is no evidence of a second wave.

We cannot allow this to happen. 3/
This might help explain the significance of the False Positive Rate:
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