Now that the first @PsySciAcc project ( ) has been accepted by @NatureHumBehav, I'd like to highlight the team members whose many invaluable contributions made it possible. (This might take a few days.) In no particular order...
Steve Janssen ( @jidenteki_kioku) is a researcher at @UoNMalaysia. He contributed to the project by commenting on several drafts of the manuscript and collecting data in Malaysia. Michele Anne and Kean Mun Lee (not pictured) helped with the data collection.
Carmel Levitan ( @clevitan) participated in data collection and comments at various stages of the project.

This is a photo of the three awesome undergraduate students who collected the data:
Nick Michalak ( @nmmichalak) studies threat perception @umesplab and dreams about data science.

My research assistants and I collected data for the project. This means we got to film a fun video of our lab set up and recruit ~ 100 participants together.
Leigh Ann Vaughn ( @LeighAnnVaughn8)
My undergraduate research team and I enjoyed this project. I developed the IRB proposal for Ithaca College, managed data collection here, and helped edit the paper, and my students collected data.
Nick Rule is Professor and Chair of the Psychology Department at University of Toronto. He captained local lab-based data collection and helped with writing and revising in a way that would make only a 19th century schoolmaster smile. 
Sau-chin Chen ( @SauChin_Chen)

It's great our small set of data expand the diversity of this massive project. This will be the shooting news in my podcast.

Ilya Zakharov ( @ilia_zaharov) studies behavioural genetics and neuroscience and in Moscow in Developmental Behavioural Genetics Lab.

He was the first author from Russia to participate in a PSA study and is also involved in PSA006 and PSA-Covid projects.
Dr Ian Stephen ( @IanDS4) contributed to design, data collection, interpretation, and write-up. He leads the person perception lab at @Macquarie_Uni @PsyMQ researching how we perceive and misperceive faces and bodies.
Chuan-Peng Hu ( @hcp4715) from @KalischLab, LIR, Mainz, Germany coordinated the translation of materials into Chinese, collected data together with Qing-Lan Liu ( @QingLanLiu1 ) from Hubei U, Wuhan, China, and helped recruit teams from China.
Marco Tullio Liuzza ( @mtliuzza) led the data collection in the region of Calabria, Italy. Moreover, provided some feedback on the manuscript draft. Associate professor in psychometrics at "Magna Graecia" University of Catanzaro. website: 
In Buenos Aires, Argentina, D.I. Burin ( @diburina) and N. Irrazabal helped with the Spanish translation and collected local data.

Delighted to participate in PSA001 !!
Hoping for more international collaborations and rooting for open science.
Hola mi gente!
Harry Manley ( @harrisonmanley) and Panita Suavansri are researchers @ChulalongkornU. They coordinated the translation and data collection in Thailand and are excited to have played a small part in this incredible team science effort.
Marietta Papadatou-Pastou ( @MPapadatou) is an Assistant Professor in Neuropsychology at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. She led the data collection in Greece and coordinated the translation of materials in Greek, as well as providing manuscript feedback.
Dr. Asil Özdoğru ( @ozdogrua) and his student Ayşegül Akgöz from Üsküdar Uni ( @uskudaruni) participated as one of the four labs in Turkey. They contributed to material translation, ethics application, data collection (n=112), and write-up. Lab site: 
We’re Sally Xie @xallysie and Eric Hehman @HehmanLab (here w lab mascot Lolzy and one of lead authors @kayflake). We collected Canadian data for this paper! The ideas parallel our work in the lab—how people form impressions of one another across groups (race/gender) and contexts.
@ClausLamm is a professor of biological psychology at @univienna. His team @ScanUnit investigates the neuroscience of empathy. He supervised, and his PhD student @EPronizius performed the data collection in the Austrian sample. Together they provided feedback on the manuscript.
Babita Pande ( @BabitaPande), Postdoctoral Fellow at All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) with Dr. Arti Parganiha (PI), Prof. Atanu K. Pati ( @atanu_pati, @AtanuKumarPati1) & their Ph. D. students coordinated the Hindi translation and contributed to ethical permissions.
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