Throw Me in the River features a series of galleries designed to showcase @NicRNack's artwork and Troy Spivey's music, but it also features 'making of' commentaries for each sequence in the game designed to teach future developers about the making of an indie game! (Thread)
These commentaries dive into the development history of Throw Me in the River, from game jam concept created during a weeklong jam hosted by @PIGSquad to development of its sibling game, Waiting for the Loop, to development of this new full version of the story.
Nic, Troy and I all contributed our thoughts on the narrative, visuals and music where appropriate, and I think there's some really fun, insightful stuff in there, where we address mistakes we made, how we approached our work, and even concerns we have with the impending release.
The commentary galleries also feature concept art Nic did, showing the evolution from draft to finished image.
All of this was incredibly important to me personally, because I grew up studying commentaries and making-of features in films and games to learn from them.
So I really hope that this educational tool can even inspire one person to pick up a game engine and start making something.
There's even a secret hidden away in one of the galleries for you to find and unlock... ;)
(End of thread)
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