Sid @Princemacolor is a dangerous individual that has a long history of lying, manipulation and spreading false accusations to mess with people ..They spread the lie that I'm a rapist, pedo, groomer etc with no proof and backed down once I was ready to go to court 1/
They couldn't show any proof cause there is none ..They have a grudge against me since I argued with them months ago .. They spent a month and a half spreading these lies to try and ruin my life and still are .. Here are their lies
1. Jasper thanking me for helping him leave an actual predator years ago

2. Me wishing Jasper well on his new relationship months after when they turned 18

3.We've had a period where we didn't talk for months I wish them well on their new relationship and we barely talked
No grooming ..,sexting or asking out someone underage so Sid you are doing what you always do ..holding petty grudges and trying to ruin lives .. You will continue to do so because you are imo a sociopath and everyone should know that so no one gets hurt cause fo your lies
Our relationship was years after we met when we reconnected after not talking for a long time .. perfectly legal and age gaps between 2 adults are not "predatory ..rapist " or any shit you say Sid which is ironic cause you have a 5 year age gap with your partner
If I was dating someone 10 years older they would just call me "rapist Wifebeater" Sid doesn't care about what actual victims go through..They only care about trying to hurt people because of petty grudges They've been enabled by a petty group "of friends" that act like a cult
A weird group of ppl who rag on Cis Men and Sid lashing out at every one if they don't spend all their time with them aka Toxic Dependency..they started interjecting themselves into my relationship when they realized I don't put up with their shit
Once I had proof of Sid trying to ruin my life I said I was going to court and their tones changed real quick .. got this weird message from my ex ..note how they never accuse me of any of the terrible shit ..they enable their psychotic friend tho ..and give them a pass
Jasper was better off when he was barely active in that hivemind .. We really enjoyed our time together ..taking walks ..holding hands watching movies and weeb stuff ...etc . They changed ..but I will not let Sid try to ruin my life or anyone else in the future if I can help it
Sid is dangerous ..They will continue to pull bullshit like this until they get an innocent person hurt. they don't get to wipe their hands off shit like this just because they say so

You thought that me being from the hood meant I'm too stupid to defend myself ..fuck you
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