"Instead of Harry Potter, just watch/read/play ___ instead" is a type of tweet I could never get behind.

I'm not a die hard Potter fan but (aside from the massive transphobia) part of the massive problem with fans of it is how many people base their personality around it.
The lesson fans need to learn (aside from "don't be a transphobe or support them") is "don't get so attached to a series that you can't bring yourself to let it go even if it's unhealthy for you".
These are just series of fiction meant to be consumed as entertainment at the end of the day. It's never meant to replace your personality or religion or whatever. You're just supposed to consume the fiction you like and move on, get excited for the next thing if it looks cool.
I get that it's ironic the guy with Kingdom Hearts as his Twitter name, pfp, and banner to be giving a lesson like this but it's still a lesson worth learning. (Also i may not look it but I'm not as big on KH as I may look (haven't even played all the games))
Anyways, I'm always concerned whenever Potter is the hot topic again because whenever I get the "stan ___ instead" I'm always deeply worried if I'm gonna grow tired of people obsessing over a different series, even if it is a series i like...
...also there's the hidden concern I have that the creator of the new "have your life center this series" will also be a bigot of some kind (be it transphobe again, racist, antisemite, homophobe, etc) and then it'll just be second verse same as the first...
But also I sure as hell don't want another fictional series to replace HP as the "I'll compare every current event to something that happens in this fictional world" (ATLA and Star Wars, you're on thin ice)
And tbh at this point I treat anyone who has "water bender", "Jedi", "dragon type gym leader", or "Hylian" in their twitter bio the same way I do anyone who has "hufflepuff" in their bio.
And yeah, I know that the creators of Pokémon, Star Wars, ATLA, and Zelda aren't transphobes to anyone's knowledge and that's mostly what weighs so heavily against HP fans right now but still you shouldn't center your life around any series.
Okay, I say Zelda's not transphoic but that one part of Breath of the Wild I've been told by some is pretty transphobic and yeah not the best example...
Just don't let a series have that much power over you that you feel you can never stop being a fan of it or let it go, even if the series is taking over you... or harming trans people... it's not worth going down that kind of road...
And I get that cutting yourself off of a series cold turkey might make you feel really empty like there's not much more to you and leave you with nothing to think about, talk about, or just enjoy, but continuing down that path is way worse and do some real mental harm to you.
Again, the author's transphobic words and actions are way more important and criticizing them and doing anything to have her stop being a transphobe (or just not have her words have so much weight at least by not giving her money even indirectly) should absolutely be prioritized.
This thread was sloppy but im gonna stop now.

Consume fiction, don't let fiction consume you. That's an important lesson.

Don't be a transphobe is a more important lesson tho.
Also not to stroke my own ego or anything but I have HP's author blocked on this account and her name muted. I've known she's a transphobe for a while and I know she's probably not gonna change her mind so im not gonna read any of her tweets or anything ever.
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