i dont expect onestar to be a popular character because i know he "sucks" and "is a bitch" and "denied valuable resources to a people in need" or whatevr but "his personality change makes no sense" is still the most stunningly unobservant assessment of any character in the fandom
character: is forced into a position of immense authority he doesnt have the emotional endurance for, guilt tripped by supposed bff, watches half of the people he's known and trusted turn against him, overcompensates by burning bridges
fandom: huh? what? i dont get it bad writing
people paint this picture of onewhisker being stoked to be leader and that's like extremely not what happened lol. he would have given up his leadership to mudclaw completely had firestar not been over there like "but you gotta." he knew he would be a bad leader from the get go
i'm not defending onestar's actions or anything i just wish there was more acknowledgement of the parts of his character that are interesting and complex but that's just my personal opinion and i don't want anyone to feel bad for not agreeing!
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