So this happened yesterday. I went to my doc as I am meant to get regular bloodwork for chronic hypokalemia. The doc (whom I know well and talk about sciency stuff, restaurants, movies, etc) came in without a mask as did his nurse. I said, "Why aren't you wearing a mask?"
Before going on appt. I called ahead to ensure they had safe practices. I was assured of:
social distancing✅
good cleaning practices✅
So when I arrived and saw two patients on the porch, and none in the waiting room, I thought I shouldn't have anything to worry about.
When I asked why they weren't wearing a mask, nurse Jolene said, "I'm so tired of being asked that question!"

I replied, "Well, if you wore a mask I wouldn't need to ask it."

Jolene stormed out.
I told the doc I had to leave but would be glad to talk to him on the porch at a safe distance (whatever that is).

He said that masks don't work & that the whole thing is overblown. It's just another virus to him. He also said that HIV can be airborne & no one talks about that.
At this point I could have righteously stormed out, never to speak to him again. However, I thought I should at least try to understand him and, for the sake of his patients, explain how masks work, etc.

He has listened to me in the past when we had different POVs.
I sited various orgs I knew he would respect: Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins has info on masks and safe practices.
I sent him several links and told him he could speak to my dear friend who is a microbiologist and studies this and my cousin a Chem Engr at Merck.
Doc replied by saying that they didn't shut things down in Australia.

I said he must mean Sweden. 🤦‍♀️

He said, "Yes, that's it. They did ok."

I asked him why he sighted the only country that didn't shut down and why he wasn't looking at countries that were successful.
At this point he was getting tired of the convo and switched to travel.

He asked if I had any travel plans and said, "Well, my wife and I are *not* going back to New York because of the riots.

I said I had friends and family in NY and no-one mentioned such destruction.
At this point we just looked at each other and acknowledged an impasse.

He said that since I drove Jolene away (her car was gone), he would do my blood work.

He wasn't going to put on a mask though.
The sad thing is that this doc is in a rural part of Western NC & is greatly needed as healthcare is limited.

He listens.

He treats a wide variety of ailments and injuries for patients who won't go to hospital.

He saves lives.

I could stop by anytime if I didn't feel well.
So what is the point of this? To me, it underscores the pernicious and insidious nature of these times. Otherwise sane people who revere science and do good work have become trumpists.

Since COVID-times I have been trying to educate those about safe practices.
Some might say why do you try to educate? I dealt with several office buildings in Asheville. They did not have any safe practices in place. I'd email info & still no change in behavior. I called the local health dept, they made a report & told me to call the police & Sheriff ofc
Darn. Back to work. Talk later.
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