fun fact: i had a job offer recently from oracle. i was very excited about it because i hated my job at the time, but looking back, i'm glad i didn't end up getting the job
i "would have" received an offer had they not implemented a hiring freeze shortly before. but every person i talked to during the interview had a very interesting answer to the question "what's you favorite thing about working for oracle?"
one of them responded, incredulously, "oracle??"

given the chance to clarify, he added "well, their checks clear"
the next pair of interviewers said, no joke, the exact same line about the checks. they had a little more grace, adding that they really liked their teammates and felt it was a strong group.
this was over *six hours* of interviewing, a shockingly excessive process.

the company i currently work at, in response to the same question, everyone kept talking about the problems they get to solve, the benefits, the team
anyway. oracle makes lots of money selling """enterprise software""" which almost invariably means "expensive and yet still shitty"

their employees kind of hate what they're a part of, but oracle is such a company-eater that most of them don't end up there on purpose
i don't know what role they'll play in a hypothetical tiktok acquisition, but i expect it'll be crufty and laden with bureaucracy
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