Swift-water rescue teams have been readied in anticipation of flooding from #HurricaneSally, per @NC_Governor #ncpol
Emergency Management @NCEmergency Director Mike Sprayberry urges North Carolinians to stay home tonight unless absolutely necsssary, and to “Turn Around, Don’t Drown.” #ncpol
“Public elementary schools will be allowed to choos option A,” which allows schools to bring students back in-person full-time. Grades 6-12 must still operate under option B or C. - @NC_Governor #ncpol
. @SecMandyCohen says it is more important than ever for North Carolinians to get their flu shots this year. #ncpol
. @SecMandyCohen says on some days the state is now meeting its goal of 5% or less of COVID tests coming back positive. Trajectories of confirmed cases and hospitalizations are finally declining. #ncpol
. @SecMandyCohen announces next week @ncdhhs will be launching its new COVID exposure cell phone app. Huge news for helping with contact tracing. #ncpol
Data says cases amongst school-age children are declining and science shows younger children are less likely to contract, suffer from, and spread disease. #ncpol
. @SecMandyCohen says EVERYONE inside schools with in-person classes is required to wear a mask at all times while in school. #ncpol #nced
. @SecMandyCohen answering question from @JoeBrunoWSOC9 on CDC study on young children spreading virus in Utah: she says they transmit the virus less often, not that it’s impossible for them to transmit it. Less viral transmission in 10 and unders, but risk not eliminated. #ncpol
What parents and kids want to know, @JoeBrunoWSOC9 asks if Halloween can happen. @SecMandyCohen says yes, but with new health guidelines that @ncdhhs will put out in the next few weeks. #ncpol
. @KaplanABC11 asks when moving to option B will be mandatory for schools. @NC_Governor says varies by location and their data, and though he wants students back to normal, safety is the top priority. Will continue following the science. #ncpol
. @KaplanABC11 asks what specific data and metrics the state is aiming for since the 5% positive test metric has been hit. @NC_Governor says bring down ER visits, case numbers. We have stabilized and begun decreasing, but all numbers still too high. #ncpol
. @SecMandyCohen follows up that it is more than just numbers - protocol, safety measures, and operational details need to be set up before schools can completely reopen. #ncpol
. @dawnbvaughan asks, “why only elementary schools?” @NC_Governor says 6-12 CAN do part in-person, and some schools have. Only pushed option A for K-5 because data says that age has lower risk for viral spread. @SecMandyCohen says risk/balance ratio is better at that age. #ncpol
. @NC_Governor responding about some federal officials casting doubts on the science around masks - says science shows masks are the most effective way to combat the virus, according to all the foremost experts, and those who refuse masks are prolonging reopening efforts. #ncpol
“You cannot implement option A until Oct. 5.” Need to work out safety measures, transportation, etc per @NC_Governor #ncpol
Question on the exposure notification app, @SecMandyCohen says @ncdhhs is in beta phase working with university and community college partners. No personal identifiable information included at all. Just notifies someone if they have been exposed. #ncpol
Full rollout of the app next week with details on how to download it and use it. #ncpol
. @TravisFain asks about special needs student getting only virtual help - what can be done to help them, is there anything planned to aid their parents? @NC_Governor has been working with special needs teachers and parents. #ncpol
. @NC_Governor said special needs students played into the decision to move to option A and allocated money from his pit to aid special needs students during the transition. @SecMandyCohen says some districts in Option B already doing in-person for special needs kids. #ncpol
. @TravisFain mentions criticism of @NC_Governor for being “too cautious,” asks if Gov thinks they’ve made the right choices. Gov. says they have made right decisions and we’re seeing natural progression in metrics and reopening state. #ncpol
. @rcraverWSJ asks about transportation logistics regarding bringing grades 6-12 back in. @NC_Governor says bus logistics are difficult and that is part of the planning going into moving to option A. @SecMandyCohen recommends districts to continue with density reduction on buses.
. @SecMandyCohen says we’re about 2.5 weeks away from meeting more goals with metrics and further easing restrictions, but progress is fragile and we have to intentionally work to keep those trends going. #ncpol
Asked if districts requested this option & what it would take to backtrack on regulations, @NC_Governor said districts have asked for more in-person but doesn’t know how many. Says they won’t hesitate to pull back these options if numbers get worse to protect students & teachers.
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