Look none of this discussion about the Harry Potter game is about the game itself. We need to make it so Harry Potter is not this ultra-dominant cultural force & the only way to do that is loudly push back in ANY media from that franchise.
It should not be socially acceptable to watch Harry Potter movies, read the books, play the games, cosplay as the characters, display the merchandise. That is the only way we minimize Rowling’s impact.
Rowling reaches millions of kids & their families right now b/c of her ridiculously large cultural impact. Until Harry Potter fades as one of the core modern myths, we can’t change that.
And yeah, I loved Harry Potter growing up, I tried to excuse Rowling. Those books saved my life. But what matters more, my memories of being saved or future trans kids that won’t be saved b/c she’s poisoned their families against them?
As someone that tried for years to say I could reconcile my love for Rowling’s world but renounce her specifically: that dichotomy is not possible. You have to choose a side.
Yes, the larger fandom should’ve spoken up about the racism & antisemitism & fatphobia in Harry Potter long, long ago. We didn’t. And that was wrong. We can’t change the past. All we can minimize it’s impact *now*.
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