“Why don’t you just get a job that offers insurance”

“Why don’t you apply for Medicaid”

“You are still 24 why aren’t you on your parents insurance”

Well, it’s long and complicated: a thread
First off, none of this is really anyone’s business but I would like to clarify.

I was hospitalized last year right around when the tax deadline was. So I missed filing. My taxes are a little messy because I’ve worked complex jobs and have had many various sources of income
But basically, I don’t make enough to ever owe taxes, so I put it in the back of my brain and figured come January my brother (an accountant) could help me sort all of it out when he’s ready for tax season. Okay set all that information aside
I’ve been on my parents insurance since forever. My dad owns a business that offers insurance to its full-time workers and he pays out the ass for it PLUS insurance for he and my mom, which I was riding the coattails on. It was Blue Cross which was... sub par.
Anyways, he started asking questions to the right people and decided to completely overthrow his insurance plan and switch it all up. Basically I did not make the cut HOWEVER this would be okay for 1 reason: they assured him I’d qualify for Medicaid.
My dad is a republican. Not a Trump supporter, but definitely leans right. He was under the impression that medicaid was this solve-all idea for a diabetic because they claim to cover all insulin costs.
So anyways. I was dropped from my insurance 4 days before the medicaid expansion deadline. So my dad, his accountant and I were working tirelessly to get me on this medicaid thing. And we DID. Somehow we managed to make that happen. And I was covered for like a month or two.
So then I start getting letters and letters about all these hoops I need to jump through and information they need to confirm in order to keep me on medicaid. And until I did all of this, they would no longer consider themselves my primary insurance but a “secondary”
So *eye roll* I do everything they ask. They wanted me to fill out surveys, continue proving my income, etc. Meanwhile, I’m beginning having trouble getting my insulin because medicaid is claiming they’re my secondary insurance and that Blue Cross is my primary.
Blue Cross starts sending me letters like ????bitch wtf we broke up??? And I’m like IM SORRY. Then the pandemic hits. I can’t work cause I’m immuno-compromised but can’t claim unemployment because I’m technically still employed.
Remember the taxes thing? So NOW. I have 0 proof of income. Which wasn’t even the problem until they were like “well send us your 2019 taxes and we can use that” WHICH I DONT HAVE CAUSE IM A DUMBASS
By this time it’s April. Then I’m hospitalized again, this time for Diabetes KetoAcidosis or DKA. I was life flighted from mtn home to Boise and in the hospital for about 4 days. And medicaid was like “literally, fuck you.”
So regardless of my $50,000 hospital bill I will probably never pay unless I win the lottery, I also have no insurance to cover me. Basically I got fucked on a technicality. Thus, I now sell my nudes. And that’s the story! Hope that clears some stuff up for you!
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