The sad thing is, if my experiences are any indication, this world ain't gonna care about or help these kids who are losing their parents and caretakers to QAnon.

The world will most likely only use them, very kindly at times, to get a quote or maybe the occasional insight.
The world will pity them and use them to confirm or deny whatever talking point is being pushed while simultaneously laughing at their parents for deserving it.

The kids will be kept on a shelf for future use well into adulthood. And that's if they're lucky.
The really young kids having this sort of violent, hateful RaHoWa lite QAnon rhetoric pushed on them right now WILL grow up broken in any manner of ways. Even if they never believe in it themselves.
The world does not know and has never known what to do for these kids.

The "experts" who take it upon themselves to figure these things out only ever seem to have empty platitudes and upcoming books on the subject despite having had decades to make ANY progress.
The kids that grow up to be like me will be fortunate.

And actual full recovery is possible. It's not entirely unheard of. There's always hope.

But I wouldn't be surprised if there was a noticeable spike in purely nihilistic youth violence here in like 5-15 years...
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