Anti-Stalin paradigm: A kind of derangement syndrome that causes people to judge Stalin differently than they would judge other humans and/or ascribe super-human abilities to him.
Stalin does stuff from beyond the grave... like causes the USSR to collapse 40 years after he dies.
Stalin controls the mind of every communist in the 1930s.

This has two parts: 1) He gave KPD some advice (that other people think are bad)

But, since, Stalin couldn't really control what people did in Germany, the KDP could have ignored it!

This is a Chomsky quote:
I would also argue that the SPD did FAR MORE to put Hitler in power than anything the KPD did or did not do!
Ghost of Stalin also manages to send tanks to Hungary, three years after his death.
"Looting Spain's treasury" would have been awesome if true.
Unhinged nonesense. Imagine speaking about any other topic and they would be rightfully labeled chuds.
Being associated with Stalin ends up ruining the reputation of Grover Furr's publisher.
"Personally signed"
In re Stalin's Son:

Literally a Nazi guard shoots him. I have no idea how you blame Stalin for this.

Here is a photo of him being captured by the Germans.
Here is the record of the correspondences between Churchill and Stalin.

Stalin asks for help because he can't hold off Hilter. Churchill says, "We will sell you weapons but we can't send soldiers"
This was Britain in 1941. They could have sent millions from India, but that would have meant Britain would lose their colonies.

They chose colonial exploitation over stopping Hitler!
When did Castro oversee genocide in Ethiopia?

Black south?

Actually, you'd be surprised. Allen Dulles put Reinhardt Gellen in charge of BND. He was also essentially the "eyes and ears to the west" about the eastern block.
Interesting you reference George Orwell.

1984 is about the BBC.
90 gazzlion bajillion trillion
Excerpt from the book Hammer and the Hoe.
Young Stalin is a secret Bolshevik Conspiracy theory to make him hot....
He took my grandma's "family farm" and Jewelry (which apparently is in a museum so I am guessing it belongs to some kind of royalty) and also the "egg monopoly" they had

We didn't win the cold war. Capitalism won the cold war.
Uh oh.. .liberals.... You are getting NED sponsored ghouls agreeing with you!
Damn it! This is being passed around on NED Dms or something.
He said it. Not me.
This is from Gorka but still hilarious
You can never tell, I really hope she knows it is a book of fiction.
Stalin, the famous, pro-landlord guy.
We had slaves for 6 centuries and now we are so sad we lost all of them.
An alarming number of people seem to throw out all basic reasoning and logic when it comes to Stalin.

But, they will read the federalist papers and whatever Thomas Jefferson wrote without even seeking as second POV.
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