I was recently asked to interview for a writing job at a small YouTube channel with decent animation on their content, but poorly written stories. They had a solid number of followers & as a non-WGA writer, I thought it was a good opportunity. 1/11
As part of the application process, they asked for a creative resume. I sent mine in and almost immediately, someone replied saying they'd be interested in my continuing the process. My resume is fine, but not yet so impressive it would warrant an immediate YES. Red flag 1. 2/11
They said they wanted a writing sample. I offered to send scripts, links to shorts I wrote/directed, short stories, poems, or a segment of one of my novels. They said no. ... They had a "writing test" they wanted me to complete. 3/11
The "writing test" was this: They would give me a one sentence concept. I would write character breakdowns and a full synopsis of a story based on that concept.

This sounds like actual writing work. Not a "test"

So I replied: "Sounds great! How much will this task pay?" 4/11
They said, "Sorry, we won't be paying anything for this test, but we assure you that we won't steal any of your ideas."


That wasn't what I asked and I'm wasn't worried about anyone stealing my ideas, but then I was. Anyway, go on.

And they did go on. Oh did they...

Their email continued: "It's ONLY a synopsis and character breakdowns. We're not actually asking you to write a script."


Ex-squeeze me?! So because I'm not opening up Final Draft for you means that I'm not actually doing work?

Because let me tell you - the writing the script part is easy. It's the coming up with a story, creating conflict that's interesting and resonates and characters who feel real, who you want to root for or against... that's the real work of writing. 7/11
And that's what I told them: "Conceiving a story and characters is the lion's share of what screenwriting is. It will take hours to do it properly and I cannot do so without just compensation. If your goal is to get a sense of my writing, I've included a script sample..." 8/11
I also invited them to request as many other samples as they'd like. Guess what? I NEVER heard from them again. Not even to say thanks, but no. And they responded to every one of my prior emails within 15 minutes of my sending.

I'm guessing the interview was a scam.

But even if it wasn't a scam, why would I spend time doing unpaid work for hire (that's what the "writing test" was) when I could be spending time spec-ing something I'm passionate about, submitting my short-form series to film festivals, and querying agents re: my novel? 10/11
Even if you're #PreWGA or haven't even come close to selling a thing, your time, energy, effort and work have WORTH.

Say no when something feels wrong. Don't be so desperate to be seen as "legit" that you forget that your voice and skills are VALUABLE.

And keep writing.❤️ 11/11
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