Yet another #dekuhawks thread
18+ NSFW
teacher / student (college AU)
Semi-public (office) sex
Izuku in a skirt
Slight predator / prey
Dirty talk / light degradation
Hawks had never been more tempted to break the rules in his got damn life....
The university he taught at had a very strict policy about teacher student relations. Hell, he could even get fired for some harmless flirting! Hawks was a total flirt, it was just part of his
personally. So it was a constant struggle to bite back those nearly automatic flirty comments whenever his students flirted with /him/. It was so unfair.
They were allowed to tease him all they wanted but he couldn't dish it back out.
Such hypocrisy.
But Hawks was nothing
if not a rule follower.
That, and this was a very cushy job and he would very much like to keep it as long as possible....
At least, that was until the absolute tease that was Midoriya Izuku started taking his class.
He couldn't keep his eyes off the boy and Midoriya
knew it. Reveled in it.
The boy liked to act coy, blushing, stuttering, avoiding eye contact whenever he talked with Hawks, but he wasn't. He knew /exactly/ how Hawks felt about him, how much he affected him.
He'd always wear the tightest of clothes, pants that looked
painted on and without fail he would find an opportunity to bend over in front of Hawks. Show him exactly what he wanted but couldn't have.
And then he'd blatantly flirt with other students, making sure Hawks' eyes were on him as he did so.
It drove Hawks wild.
The amount of times he had popped a bonor during class and had to stay behind the podium for the entirety of the lecture was far too many.
And Hawks knew by the way Midoriya smiled in amusement that the boy was aware of exactly what he had done.
Hawks was already so close
to snapping. So ready to just say 'fuck it' to the rules and claim his naughty little bunny...
And then the boy walked in one day wearing a skirt.

A short skirt.

With thigh highs.

Hawks nearly lost it, had nearly growled at everyone to get out so he could finally
fuck the temptation that had been taunting him all semester.
But he didn't.
No, that was a sure fire way to get found out...
Oh, he was going to have the boy, of that there was no doubt, but Hawks had waited this long, he could wait another hour.
Even if his cock was
already painfully hard, Hawks would manage. It certainly wasn't the first time Hawks would have to do an entire lecture hard, Midoriya had made sure of that.
~class uwu~
Hawks kept flicking his eyes to the clock, licking his lips in anticipation every second that ticked by
bringing him closer and closer to when he could finally devour that tasty little morsel that was being flaunted in front of him even now.
The clock chimed, signaling the end of the hour.
"Class dismissed!"
Hawks stocked over to where Midoriya was chatting with
some of his classmates, holding back a girn of satisfaction when the boy jumped and practically squeaked when Hawks placed a firm hand on his shoulder.
"Midoriya, I'd like to discuss your last essay with you. Do you mind following me to my office? If you're free right
now, that is."
"A-ah, yeah. Sure, I'm free now."
The blush that rose to freckled cheeks nearly had Hawks preening in satisfaction. He knew the boy wasn't actually shy, but rather hiding his arousal behind embarrassment.
No one would question the flushed face, or the
fidgeting, or the aversion to eye contact if they simply thought the boy shy.
But not Hawks.
Hawks knew better.
Could see the way the boy bit his lip as he practically undressed Hawks with those gleaming emerald eyes.
That was not the gaze of some innocent school boy.
Not even a little bit.
Hawks waited politely as Midoriya said his goodbyes to his classmates when all he really wanted to do was bend the boy over the nearest desk and fuck his brains out.
It was a short walk to his office and then Hawks could finally have his prize.
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