There will be no vaccine distributed before the election. Not even a fake one, because - once again - Trump is too incompetent.

The key problem: Vaccines require *very* specific bottles. It is made out of a special sand that is STILL in short supply, months after Trump was...1
...told. The sand we have is being used for the flu vaccine being produced and going out now. The bottles we have are being used for that. They have invested a comparatively small amount of money to increase production of bottles, but not enough for mass production as needed...2
...for this kind of D-Day undertaking. The distribution system has had *nothing* done - all planning has been handled by the distributors with no national plan (what a surprise) but they are not capable of expanding to the extent that they could distribute flu, other standard...3
...vaccines AND a Covid vaccine of mass need. Then, there is the production of an actual vaccine: There has been no mass scale-up that would allow for 100s of millions to be produced quickly. Expert estimates are that we will need 800 million needles for this undertaking...4
...and nothing has been done to up that need. (No, I do not understand why it is 800 million, but there is universal agreement among vaccine experts that that is the number)

So, no bottles, no needles, no vaccine, no transportation. The entire infrastructure does not exist...5
...on the scale that is needed. That is a good part of what @CDCDirector said was the problem that would take so long for a vaccine to get to the American people. Yet the GOP is throwing cash at basketball teams and the Ayn Rand Center rather than investing in what will...6 important. Again, this goes to the point: Sycophants and fools whose only skill is lying on TV cannot handle anything complex. This will be one of the most complex undertakings in US history. And you need a competent government to do that. And #DimwitDon is incompetent.
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