I just...yeah, it sucks and it hurts to have to re-examine your relationship with something that has been defining for you. Harry Potter has been a huge part of my life since I was 9. It means the world to me.

But the trans people in my life mean more.
I have no idea what I'm going to do with all my many copies of the books or what I'm going to do with the places it holds in my heart. I can't just turn off my love for it and I haven't figured out if I have to completely. That's the re-examining part.
I know I'm not going to buy more copies. I'm not going to buy that game. I'm never going to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Pretty glad I never got a Harry Potter tattoo like I wanted to forever.

And that all sucks, but what JKR has done/is doing sucks more.
It's also not like she hasn't sucked for awhile. It's not like I haven't been doing this re-examining for many years, ever since I started understanding and seeing all the other fucked-up shit she's done or that exists in the books.
I have never managed to reconcile my deep love for Harry Potter with JKR's deep hatred of fat people. I've never been able to figure out how those books can mean so much to me when they make it very clear that my body is the worst it can be.
And of course there's the ~ super great ~ queer rep, the horrible antisemitic and racist tropes, there's - you know, a lot, there's a lot, and I've always really loved how marginalized people still grabbed the books and the world and made them all our own.
This thread fell apart really quickly, and it's probably a great example of how muddled my brain has been around this. The one thing I know 10000% for sure is that JKR is a violent, dangerous transphobe and she can't be a person I support anymore.
Fiction is powerful and important and it can shape you and it can save your life

And the actual living human beings in our world always have to matter more
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