
The most glaring omission from Peter Strzok’s book “Compromised” is any mention of the FARA investigation into George Papadopoulos for his ties to Israel.

Why is this lack of discussion important?

Let’s take a closer look. 🧐

There are 14 mentions of Carter Page compared to 114 mentions of George Papadopoulos in Strzok’s book.

That disparity makes sense when we consider how the Crossfire Hurricane cases were divided up.

We learned from the Strzok/Page texts there were two sides of the house: one side was the PapaD & Flynn investigations supervised by Peter Strzok; the other side, the Carter Page investigation supervised by Jennifer Boone.

In the Inspector General’s Michael Horowitz’s FISA report, this organization split for the period of Jan 2017 - April 2017 was confirmed.

During these months, the Crossfire Hurricane organizational chart looked like this:

So while Strzok has plenty of self-interested reasons for distancing himself from the investigation of Carter Page, he is not without some justification.

However, when it comes to Papadopoulos, Strzok opened Crossfire Hurricane on him and had supervisory responsibility on his case until at least April 2017.

He owns that investigation.

And, as the Mueller report makes clear, in addition to the counterintelligence investigation of possible Russian interference, there was an investigation to determine if PapaD was an agent of Israel.

And this existence of this investigation is backed up by ample evidence, including from PapaD himself.

When Chuck Ross replied to a Ben Wittes tweet that no evidence of PapaD colluding with Russia was found, PapaD responded with “Aaactually….it was Israel.” 🤣

In a recorded conversation between Stefan Halper and himself, PapaD boasts of his close connection to the Israeli government, a claim the IG determined was important enough to quote in his report.

In his conversation with Source 3, it is evident that the source is probing PapaD for information about his ties to Israelis.

Strzok is supervising this investigation. Yet when he does his rounds on Mockingbird media, he never gets asked about Israel. It’s “Russia, Russia, Russia” non-stop.

There is nothing preventing an interviewer from asking him about it either. The FARA investigation is well documented in government releases.

If nothing else, an interviewer could ask Strzok to respond to PapaD’s public claims he was investigated for his Israeli ties.

Why is this important?

Because the FBI was able to pressure PapaD into composing a false Russian narrative by hanging the threat of a FARA investigation of his ties to Israel over his head.

PapaD acknowledges in his book that the Special Counsel Office threatened him with FARA charges.

Strzok accuses PapaD of repeatedly lying during his FBI interview.

And, indeed, PapaD did eventually plead guilty to giving false statements to the FBI.

However, Strzok does believe one thing that PapaD said -- Mifsud told him that the Russians had thousands of Hillary’s emails.

💥Even though Mifsud denies making that claim

💥Even though there is no documentary evidence to back up Papa’s claim.

The idea that PapaD composed for Mueller is not new (I would give credit, but fear I would leave someone out. You know who you are.)

What I’m suggesting is that the threat of a FARA investigation was the motivation for PapaD to go along with the false narrative.

PapaD could still come clean, if that’s what happened. What are they going to do to him? Throw him jail for giving false statements? Nope. They’ve already done that.

(btw, don't bother tagging him since he has me blocked)

Like most of you reading this, I just want the truth. Whatever that is.

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