For those breathlessly tweeting at me about another reporter's "bombshell" and the "disturbing" COVID-19 emails from Mayor Cooper, the emails do NOT say what the reporter implied. There is nothing about "how to keep it from the public." 1/
Take, for example, the reporter's gasping at this exchange: “This isn’t going to be publicly released, right? Just info for Mayor’s Office?"
“Correct, not for public consumption.”
Under HIPAA, info that might identify individuals must be vetted carefully b/f release to public 2/
Nate clearly explains why it's difficult to nail down an exact number 4/
By the way, if this is such reliable information, why did the reporter say that Nate works for The Tennessean?
He doesn't. 5/
Since this other reporter found such a big story in Nate's email's, Nate's reaction is worth considering. 6/
From another journalist who has been all over this story 7/7
P.S. These email are worth a read, as well.
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